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~2 months after Paramount War~

Titania D. Y/N.
Rank: Captain
Age: 17
Hair color: H/C
Eyes: Opal Shade
Height: 5'6
Weight: 145
Abilities: Arament Haki and Obersvation Haki. Great hand-to-hand combat, brilliant strategist, basic first aid, uses coiled whip and self made blade as weapons. Assists with training new recruits.
Devil Fruit: None
Rank promotion: Vice Admiral
Reason for Promotion: To be Discussed.

Y/N couldn't even believe what she was reading. Vice Admiral? Were they kidding who even authorized this? I'm 17, I was just promoted to Captain two years ago. Looking at Vice Admiral Prodi you can guess he thought the same thing. He didn't look pleased. He was easily jealous when others were promoted, and became nearly impossible to be around when others were getting medals and rank promotions. He had been trying to become an Admiral for 20 years no luck. Your disbelief must've shown on your face because Prodi wasn't going to let you leave his office without a few words, to soothe his bruised ego.
"I can't believe they're letting someone like you get a Vice Admiral Rank. You don't even have the skill set for it."
You knew that was bullshit. Your observation Haki had developed when you were 7 years old and you were nothing more than a street rat in South Blue. When you joined the marines at age 10, Aokiji had specifically trained you to enhance your observation Haki skills. At 13 you had awoken your arament Haki because of that training. Your observation Haki was definitely the superior of the two though. You didn't inform anyone but Kuzan-San of the change. At age 12 while trying to lead a group of hostages away from their captures, you were able to identify using your observation Haki alone who had a devil fruit and who didn't. Kuzan-San had told you not to tell anyone about that and to keep it between the two of you.
That train of thought led you to another one. Kuzan-San had been recommended by Sengoku to become the new Fleet Admiral. You were excited for him, but nervous. The 5 Elders wanted Akainu to be the new Fleet Admiral because his version of "Justice" was more aligned with theirs than Kuzan-San's.
"Are you even listening to me Titania??!!" Prodi slammed his hands on his desk making you jump.

"Sorry what did you say?" You could see the veins in his head beginning to form, you wondered how they never exploded from his head.

"You are to report to Kong immediately. Now get out!" He couldn't even punish you for what he called "insubordination" anymore cause you two were now the same rank. You went to your Captains quarters to get your things and would be leaving on the next Warship out to meet with Kong-San for your official ceremony.

As you were packing a knock came to your door.
"Enter." You were still packing when the person who knocked on your door entered.

"Y/N!! I heard you got a promotion! Vice Admiral Titania D. Y/N! Congratulations!!" The next thing you new you were wrapped in a bear hug that squeezed the life out of you.

"Bonham..I can't breathe."

"Oh my bad. Hahahaha." He gave you a rub on your back and sat on your old bed. "But seriously Y/N, that's awesome! You're going to be the youngest Vice Admiral in history! You beat even Garp-San, Tsuru-sama and Former Fleet Admiral Sengoku by five years! You're going to be famous after this!" You stopped your packing day down at your old desk, and faced him.

"But I don't know why though Bonham. Why would they make me a Vice Admiral? It makes no sense. I don't follow orders to a T. I question my superiors usually to their faces. I can't stand the hypocrisy of the World Government, it pisses me off. And yet I want to change it." You took a breath. "I couldn't care less about pirates or what they do unless they hurt kids, I don't care about capturing them, I care about the people they hurt and who we hurt by trying to apprehend them. I was at Marineford for the War. I..." you breathed again. Bonham had been your closest friend, it sucked when you felt you couldn't tell him everything that was on your mind and of the sins you committed to keep some of your secrets. He put a comforting hand on your shoulder and gave you a light squeeze. He gave you his carefree smile that always made you feel better.

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