Chapter 27: Lunar Lovers

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This artwork is mine. I am trying to get better at sketching. I am hoping to one day be able to draw Kid's and readers silhouettes but for now this is what it looks like. :)

------6 months before your basic training------

You were just learning to read and write. Kuzan-san said you needed to learn how to at least read, write, understand money and basic math before you started your training to be a marine. He said you became his Ward and no one would bug you about it, and that he would pay for the private tutor as well. All you could think of was that it was more money you had to work off, but whatever.

You actually didn't mind the lessons, it was the sitting still that drove you insane. After 10 minutes you wanted nothing more than to go outside and run around, however you were no longer able to roam as you pleased. You had to finish your lessons and whatever homework you were given first. Only then did the tutor allow you to go outside and do as you pleased.

"Hey lady...these little kids books are boring. Are there any other books that are more fun to read?"

"Now listen here, you are just learning to read and write and do basic math. When I feel that you are ready you can read harder books. But I will give you one book you can read while I am gone next week."

"You won't be here for a whole week?" Your eyes sparkled at the idea of some freedom, but the smile on her face let you know you'd have anything but that.

"Don't worry I am going to give you work to do on your own and I expect it to be done, and done correctly. Aokiji-sama is going to be here for the week to make sure you do your homework. So behave for him. Got it?"


__________A Few Days Later______________________________________________________

"Kuzan-san I finished my wrinting exercises please check them for me."

You walked into his office and saw him sleeping, to be honest you heard his snoring before even walking in. Turns out he didn't have the week off but your tutor wanted a break, and now you were at the base again. This time with a badge and piece of paper that let you eat at the mess hall.

"Adimiral Aokiji! Oh he's asleep...oh Y/N-chan what are you doing here?"

"My tutor is on vacation and she gave me work to do while she's away. I'm trying to get it all done today so I can have fun for the rest of the week. But....he won't stay awake to look over my stuff and the tutor won't accept any other signature."

"Ah I see...well why don't you go to the library and rent a book and come back? He might be awake by then."

You huffed and walked out. You placed your work in your little satchel and proceeded to walk towards the public library in the village. You hadn't ever really been around so many people for your whole life. Even when you lived in the orphanage, you tended to sneak out and stay away for as long as your stomach allowed.

You didn't like big crowds they always made you feel really nervous, not just because there was the chance you could be kidnapped but the way people would stare at  you because of your eyes. You had someone try to pluck them out once when you had wandered away form Aokiji, lets just say he no longer eyes of his own anymore.

You came up to the library and headed to the children's section. You meandered for a few minutes before realizing you had read all the books in this section. Looking around the librarian was no where to be seen and you headed towards the young adult section. A smile appeared on your face, there were a lot more options and no one around to tell you not to look there. Looking over towards the receptionist desk there was still no one there.

One Piece:Lunar Lovers: Eustass Kid x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now