Chapter 28: Lunar Lovers pt.2

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It had been a week since Ryo came back to the island. Him and the rest of the Marines that came here were working on the rebuilding of the town, as well as trying to figure out how short we would be for our tribute. I didn't care, I worked like usual and I avoided him at all times. When I would see him coming my way I would either hide away or ask for more to do at the docks.

"Would've been better had all the women been killed that night."

"It's the only way to keep the Celestial Dragons from coming here and making our lives worse."

"I am hiding my daughters tonight."

"Too bad all the orphans aged out, we could've just used them."

"There is one orphan girl left..."

"You're right and she's underaged and a virgin...she'll get a great price..."

I had heard the whispers, but didn't really pay attention to them, looking back now I wish I had, I would've ran a lot sooner, and so many people wouldn't had to die. The only reason I lived was because Ryo hid me away on the Navy War Ship and helped me assume a new identity. But that cost us our old home. A Buster Call had been made to the island when there wasn't enough women to give to the Celestial Dragons, our tribute had been too small. I was the only one to survive.

"Why didn't you warn everyone? You could've saved them all! But no you didn't why did you save me anyway?"

"Nina...please you don't know how difficult it was just to smuggle you out off the island. There are just certain orders that I am not allowed to disobey but I wish to Heaven that I could."

"Isn't the Navy supposed to protect it's people? It wasn't the villagers fault that they didn't have enough tribute to give, we had been robbed by the Rox Pirates! Isn't it the Navy's job to protect us from them?"


"No! I am not going to try and understand!!! You left me alone! You just said "SORRY" in your letter. You never wrote to me either all these years later!!!"

"It was too hard...and I just became busy but I never forgot about you."

You heard footsteps outside your shared room with 3 other girls. All of them under 18 but still older than you. And apparently they thought it was a good idea to go out late with the older guys in training and be crap at the trainings the next day. It had been a month after your basic training, and you were a foot soldier right now.

You were stationed at a base on an island that didn't have a town. There were 5 other islands that took half a day to sail to, and every other month you were sent to one, Aokiji said you would be stationed here for a whole year before you would get a promotion, or before you would on the seas.

When the girls walked into the room you already had the curtain drawn over your bed with a small flashlight.

"She sleeping already?"

"Her rotation starts tomorrow."

"Why did they let such a young kid join anyway?"

"Apparently she stole off the base in South Blue so it was this or death?"

"What did she steal?"


"Damn life sentence over what a loaf of bread?"

"No she had been sneaking onto the base taking food for a month before she'd been caught."

You heard one of them whistle under their breath, you decided it was probably a good time to go to bed, only problem was this book was drawing your attention back to it. A few more pages you told yourself just a few more than I will go to bed.

One Piece:Lunar Lovers: Eustass Kid x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now