Chapter 1: Two years later

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You were dreaming of him again. And the nights you spent under the moon. His red hair looking like the fire you felt in your core.
Everywhere he touched and kissed you was on fire.
You dreamt of the first night as you normally did.

"You ever been with a man shortie?" His teasing smirk had you blushing.

"Why does that matter?" You asked defensively. He chuckled, and drew your body closer to his in your bedroom.

"It doesn't. I'm curious." He licked his lips as he started stroking your rib cage down to your hips giving them a squeeze.

"No I haven't. Most men are boring." You had surprised yourself by telling him that simple truth.

"On that I would agree with you. But I am not most men." Your heart skipped a beat when he grabbed the back of your head and slammed his lips on yours.

He gave your ass a squeeze making you gasp and open your mouth. He took that opportunity to deepen the kiss. His tongue dominating and making your legs weak. You would've fallen to the ground had he not been holding you.

You had the vague thought of him bending over to kiss you. When he broke the kiss to shrug out of his coat, you jumped on him, wrapping your legs around his waist and your arms around his neck.

You took his lips, he chuckled and smiled into your mouth as he worked the zipper of your crop top bra. You shivered when you felt his hands touch your breasts.

"Damn these are nice. Real ones are the best." You gave him a scowl and a slight pout that made him laugh. "Sorry but most of the women I sleep with are prositutes with fake tits." He laid you down on the bed and dragged the bra off at the same time.
"But you are by far one of the more beautiful women I have every been with, if not the most beautiful."

Before you could reply he kissed you again, then treated your neck with a series of kisses and bites. You couldn't help the noises that were escaping your throat. They only seemed to egg him on.

"Look at me." And you did you stared into his amber colored gaze and felt your body fill with even more heat than you thought possible. "I am going to be the man you never forget! And you will be the one woman I will never forget!" As you felt his hands take your shorts woke up.

"Fuuuuck. My head is killing me." Y/N took a look at her surroundings and found herself in the same position she'd been finding herself for the past year and a half. Asleep at her desk with all the paperwork finished and a bottle of booze empty.
"Dammit, maybe the whole bottle wasn't such a good idea." She looked at the bottle of whisky, and threw it away. With another sigh, she realized that it was only 3 am. Only three hours of sleep. It's going to be another fun day.

Walking back to her quarters on her warship, Y/N thought about the dream she'd just had. 'I'll be the one man you never forget.' And he was. Two years later after that fateful mission on Pleasure Island and Y/N still couldn't forget those two weeks she spent with Eustass 'Captain' Kid. Nights filled with passion and laughter, along with some pain.

Ring ring ring ring ring

Her handheld Den Den Mushi stared to ring. She answered without thinking who it might be.


"Y/N child why the hell are you still awake."


"Yes ma'am."

"I fell asleep finishing the paperwork for the island we just liberated. I was heading to my quarters to shower and head back to bed." You and he both knew it was a lie. Sengoku knew about your inability to stay asleep. He blamed himself for it all the time. You hated it. It wasn't his fault.
"What do you need Sengoku-San? I'm surprised your calling me this late. I know you didn't call just to check on me."

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