Chapter 18: Taken by the Surgeon of Death

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How did you end up in this situation? Like always you blamed it on your dumb luck. But for some reason you were calm maybe because you'd been here before, only unlike before you were probably going to be dead by the end of this.

"I'll ask you again why're you here marine?"

"I'm not a marine dummy. And I'm here cause hothead over there put me in this cell and I got tired of banging on the bars and screaming after 3 hours. That answer your question?"

"Not even close!" You glared at him, you needed to bluff your confidence. In reality you were terrified. Not of what the Surgeon of Death could do but what Kid would do if he found out about you.

"Traffy she can't be a marine. You said it yourself, you said if she was gone than she was a marine, but she clearly couldn't break free of the cell, so why're you so mad?"

"Because I know it's her dammit and I'm going to prove it." Oh joy, I get to be tortured.

"Get out Trafalgar!" Kid was furious. Not only had two rival captains come on his ship their comrades had as well.

"Do you really want people to think you're keeping a marine woman as a pet Eustass-ya? How's that going to look? How do you think your alliance will react?"

All great questions there was one answer to all of them and the answer was 'not good.'

"She's not a marine Traffy. She bought me food and she let Zoro live after their fight and she bought me food!"

"You said one reason twice Luffy." Zoro commented.

"All of you...SHUT UP!!" Kid roared making you wince at the sound. "Shortie has been here all day! There are no locks on my cells and only I can open them. There's no way she could've escaped without me knowing! The doors would look very different if she had! If nothing else get the fuck off my ship before I kill you all!"

The room became quiet. Too quiet, you could feel how heavy the tension was from all of them almost suffocating.

"He's not going to believe you Kid no matter what anyone else says." You grumbled from your corner they all looked at you. Trafalgar glaring like he knew why you knew. "I've met men like the Surgeon of Death my whole life. They think no one else had suffered like them, and just because they've been right about certain things occasionally, or they have several "accomplishments" under their belts they are prideful and stubborn when it comes to things they believe to be correct or true and when you question it...well like now. Men like him throw a tantrum like a child."

Kid sneered, Killer shrugged his shoulders Zoro and Straw Hat both looked at Trafalgar with "she has a point" kind of look and Trafalgar just looked downright pissed off. Then he smiled and it didn't sit right with you at all.

"Room." Fuck "Shambles."

The next thing you know you're on top of a submarine you made a move to run but Trafalgar placed his sword at your throat.

"One move marine and I'll slice your windpipe open. Now tell me where are the other marines?"

"I don't know what you're talking about. So fuck off." You could fight and escape but then your identity would seriously then be discovered. Right now he had nothing to go on but a hunch and that wasn't good enough. You both knew he needed you to say who you really were.

"Well I know one way to get you to talk." Yep another round of torture. Here we go.

-Kid's POV-


"Kid calm down!"

"Like hell Killer! He took her! Hey Straw Hat! Where would he take Y/N?" Both he and the Pirate Hunter looked as though they wouldn't know. Great big help. "If he does anything to her I will kill you and your whole crew Straw Hat. Mark my words I will make it bloody and painful."

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