Chapter 32: Awkward Reniouns

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"I'm starting to think this was a bad idea."

"Well we need answers and this is where we can get them." Fujitora commented rather too cheerfully. His slight smile on his face was starting to really tic you off. 

In fact you'd been in a lousy mood for the past week, which is how long it took for you to get to the Land of Wano boarders. You couldn't even tell anyone why you felt that way. You took in a breath of the ocean air once again for what felt like the millionth time. You were terrified and excited. On one hand you wanted to see Kid and the rest of the guys again, just to confirm they were alright. On the other you knew Kid was still furious with you, he wasn't the type of man who forgot old grudges and made sure they were paid. Especially if he felt he or any of his crew members had been had been slighted in anyway shape or form.

And you had lied and betrayed him, at the end of it all you had been a coward and couldn't bring yourself to tell him yourself. Apart of you wanted to forget all your worries, responsibilities and just go with him to fuck shit up. But you knew you couldn't. There was too much on the line for you to do that. 

"You seem restless Captain Titania, any reason why that might be?"

Yeah, like I'd ever tell this bozo the real reason why I'm acting the way I am.

"We're about to trespass on an Emperor's territory, getting ourselves into God knows what kind of conflict or turmoil, about to be an enemy of that said Emperor his entire army, and possibly the entire nation of Wano. I don't know, why don't  you tell me why I'm so nervous."

The old man pressed his lips together and just blankly stared ahead. That stare unnerved you to your core. Even though he was blind, it felt as though he could see into the very soul of a person, and what they were hiding. He was incredibly wise and smart, despite not being the best Admiral by Akainu's standards, you felt more higher ups should be more like him. He was compassionate, empathetic and kind. A bit aloof but otherwise a decent human being. Something many soldiers who towed the WG line found odd you found refreshing.

"Hey Admiral Fujitora?"


"You ever heard of the story Lunar Lovers?"

He seemed to be thinking about it before shaking his head no.

"It's about a young woman who becomes a pirate. She's childhood friends with a Marine and they later down the line fight each other all the time. Than one night he diguises himself as a pirate to meet her in town. They fight, they laugh as they remember the old times, and that night they become lovers. They agreed to meet on that island every crescent moon to make love. The only reason why one wouldn't show up was if one of them was dead. She did horrible acts against other pirates and mercenaries and sometimes certain villages, just so she could appear in the papers, so that he would know that she was okay. They continued their love affair for 5 years. Until a princess found out about them and she confronted the woman and said that if she didn't break it off with him, that she would make sure he died." 

You took a breath and stared into the sea that was slowly becoming more turbulent like your heart.

"Well, the woman didn't take kindly to being threatened, so she killed the princess, and threw her body into the sea and watched as sharks devoured it. That night when her lover came to see her, she said nothing about the princess or what she had done. He found out however, when he returned to HQ after their rendezvous, and he became furious. He couldn't say who had killed the princess, cause then he would have to admit to his love affair with a pirate. But it came out eventually, the princess' maid witnessed the whole thing and then that Marine soldier had been arrested and would be sentenced to death. But his lover came to his rescue. She saved him, took him to her lair, and showed him something that he couldn't believe."

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