Chapter 26: Punishment?

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"You mind telling me why you decided to talk to Doflamingo and for what?"

Akainu was pissed it radiated off him. His Devil Fruit added some heat since it played off of his emotions. You could also see a glow on his face where his scar was. One of many that he got when he fought Aokiji.

"I wanted answers about the fruits that were being grown beneath Dressrosa. I also wanted to see what these letters might mean. They read as love letters but they are really code for something else. I have three different decoded theories but something is off with each one. And I couldn't figure it out. I thought what better way to do that than to come to the source."

He puffed smoke out of his cigar and just stared at you. It wasn't anything like before though, he stared at you as if you had something to hide. And wondering how to handle your punishment. You could only hope it would be a physical beating.

"You felt that was in your power to do so? You sure are pushing your luck lately aren't you Titania."

Was he being serious? You were pushing your luck? If anything you had been extremely docile since everything with Kid had gone down. You did as you were told, something you didn't do before. You actually actively participated in training your recruits and helping them to get better, not that you didn't do that before, however you had started to take a more interest in their personal lives. If anything you were being the ideal soldier. Wait? What if that was the whole point? I've been acting anything but like my usual self. I don't drink myself into oblivion anymore, training instead to vent my frustrations.

What came next you couldn't help, and didn't bother to comprehend what kind of punishment would happen by doing this.

"Pwahahahahahahahahaha!!!" You laughed, you laughed in front of Akainu. The monster responsible for so many nightmares, and majority of your traumas. Someone you used to view as invincible, and indestructible. But you'd realized in this last month you rarely thought about him anymore. Your head had been so filled with Kid you no longer saw him as the boogey-man under your bed. Looking at him and thinking about it logically he was an overgrown child. Throwing tantrums left and right when he didn't get his way, the thing that made him dangerous was the devil fruit he acquired to go along with those child-like fits of rage. Thinking about him like that he didn't seem that scary.

You were still laughing and he was getting angrier the more you laughed. But his angry face only made you laugh more.


His yell reverberated off the walls, causing everyone in the room to flinch but not you. His yelling didn't scare you. You concluded while yes he was physically strong, as a human being he was weak. And while you thought about that and how you were more mentally tough than he could ever be you felt an odd sense of superiority that wasn't that all appropriate for this situation.

"Oh nothing sir, nothing at all. Just thinking that this seems like a small thing to be upset over considering everything else that is going on. With Straw-Hat being named the 5th Emperor. The Reverie happening tomorrow, I'm just surprised you found the time to come all the way out here to see me. I'm flattered really."

You couldn't stop, you felt your true self coming through. No way in hell were you going to stop.

"Do you realize, what you are saying and who you are saying it to?"

"I do what's your point? I am a Vice Admiral, and while yes you could demote me you won't. Why? Because more and more people are becoming pirates, and not enough are joining the Navy. In other words we are short staffed and you need people like me, who have been here a long time. I'll accept a reprimand or even a physical punishment as long as the punishment is within these walls where there are witnesses."

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