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We all must have faced rejections in our life but "Have you ever thought how rejection feels like?"In my view, it can feel like a punch in the gut or knife to the heart, basically it feels like you are hurting yourself physically. Emotional rejection is the feeling a person experiences when disappointed about not achieving something desired. Constant rejection can lead to loneliness and depression, use it as a chance to prove everyone wrong. Every time you think you were rejected from something; you were re-directed to something better. Don't be upset when people reject you, nice things are often rejected as they are precious and unaffordable. "Fear of rejection is the biggest impediment we face in choosing ourselves", never lose yourself while trying to hold on to someone. No great human being started from the bottom with the word 'Yes' being heard very often. Most people will ignore you; a lot of people can't possibly understand what you are capable of, but that's ok because they don't have the brains to understand your worth. Be so good at whatever you do, that no one on this earth can look past you. If anyone needs the best person for the job; "who do they think of?"They think of you, master your craft and no one will ever be able to ignore you again. Be so good that doubters look stupid doubting you, always remember that people are behind you for a reason.

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