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Committing to your dreams can be tough but always fruitful, that is why I believe "life will only change when you become more committed to your dreams than you are to your comfort zone".Everybody wants the prize, but nobody loves the process. Everybody wants to be a champion, but nobody's willing to put in the work that it takes to be a champion. Everybody wants to hold up the trophy, but nobody's willing to sacrifice."Love the process more than results and work for what you want", always remember that there is a difference between interest and commitment. When you are interested in doing something, you do it only when situations permit but when you are committed to something, you don't make any excuses.In simple words "your expectations are never supposed to exceed your effort", lot of you just wish for things to happen and this is where you lose to your mind. Life has many ways of testing all of us and see "how bad we want our dreams to become reality?"A dream turns into reality through determination, hardwork, mental toughness, improvement and true focus. Commit to your dreams and stay true to yourself because people are genius until they are dreaming."What if we get weak along the way?"A lot of people become discouraged, frustrated but believe me that time can change everything with just a thought "take quitting out of your life dictionary". Cry if you want but stand up again to let this world know "you are not born to accept defeats; you are here to rule". You have choice to either modify your dreams or magnify your skills, don't decrease the goal instead increase the efforts. If you want something, you can't count the cost because sacrifices will not be easy."Pay whatever the price is, sacrifice whatever it takes and put yourself in a position where you can't go back", sink or swim.

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