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A question to start our afternoon "Does it take anything to be kind?"

A price is involved to become somebody, there's a price to pay for a change so let me ask you some more questions "Do you have what it takes?"

When you look into your future, can you see yourself making it?

Too many people reading this overvalue of 'what they are not' and undervalue of 'what they are'. The more you believe in yourself, the more you could trust yourself and the more you trust yourself, "the less you compare yourself to others". Even if you smart, intelligent, or professional, you will still face issues because life is all about conquering the problems, and believing in yourself is the first key to success.

People are often unreasonable and self-centered, 'forgive them anyway'. If you are successful, you will lose some false friends; 'let them go anyway'. The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow 'do good anyway'.

In the final stage of achieving success, you will realize that it was between you and yourself,

"It was never between you and your enemy anyway".

There is nobody else to blame, the decision to quit was yours, and the decision to be in comfort zone was yours. You either put yourself in the position to deserve good things or worst situations will come to you without prior notice. Be proud of the things you have in your life and change the circumstances with your efforts and continuous actions.

"People will judge you at every stage of your life, just do as you like", don't take stress and regrets to your death bed only to realize "if I had" 

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