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When the world pushes you to your knees, you're in the perfect position to rise. After every defeat, we all have two choices, either to stay down or try once more. Don't get angry or feel insulted when life knocks you down, instead rise above the bullshit."The sun is a daily reminder that we can too rise again from the darkness and shine our light"Let people judge you, misunderstand you, gossip about you, make opinions about you or doubt your actions because no one can see your worth, you are a diamond who is born to shine. Let's rise above the darkness before we fade away with time and love each other before death takes away our loved ones.Whenever we say we have to choose between right and wrong, we never think about the third perspective in life. If we get a situation to choose left or right in a jungle where we are lost, no one thinks of climbing a tree and see the correct path between left and right."When you rise above a situation and see the larger picture, your decisions seems to be the most effective ones"Life is not about right or wrong, it's about gaining your won experience and fight problems with your decisions. Find your path, it will be difficult but, in the end, you will learn a lot of things in your journey. Everyone's journey is different, every decision brings different results, every action brings some experience and adds up to our maturity so never be afraid to take decisions in life. Your growth will be the result of the decisions you take alone, they make you a believer in your actions."There are no records of defeats in the balance sheet of dreams, believe and move on"

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