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Let's start with accepting something important today "you can't stop having negative thoughts; you just need to change how you engage with them". You need to first observe the negative situations, think of what you can do, and then let them pass like clouds in the sky.Your brain is like a circuit switch, once you believe you are made for something then you feel it in the body through your mind. Being successful in life is all about having a proper belief system, "believe that you have something unique". You may feel worried at times, you may feel things will not fall in place but don't verbalize it in your mind because as soon as you speak, you get trapped by your words.Be thankful for every new challenge, each problem will give you more strength and character. Never forget how far you've come and everything you have gotten though because along the way you have developed strength and courage. A positive mind looks for ways, solutions, and things that can be done while a negative mind looks for excuses.Imagine your mind is like a garden and your thoughts are the seeds. You get to choose what seeds you plant in your garden. It's your choice now, either you can plant seeds of positivity, love, or plant seeds of negativity, fear, and hatred. Life is short and you need to choose if you want to spend your life trying to take care of everyone else's garden or you want to make yours beautiful and attractive.Problems will come, difficulties will come, issues will come, no matter who you are so you need to smile and accept situations. Do not take this material world so seriously because it is always changing, something that matters to you today will not be even close to you tomorrow. You can't control how other people think, just keep doing your thing with as much integrity and love as possible.It is ok if others get angry, it is ok to say no sometimes because you have the right to your feelings and your job is to keep yourself happy first and then think about everything else.

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