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I woke up and looked around. Everything was in place. I saw an outfit on the dresser and sighed when I saw what it was.

I took a shower and changed into my clothes. I went in JiJoon's room and got him dressed. He wore ripped jeans, a black shirt, and a baseball cap.

(I couldn't find pictures for him)

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(I couldn't find pictures for him)

I walked downstairs and Jackson smiled at his outfit choice.

"I'm good at this fashion thing huh?" I rolled my eyes.

"Mommy?" Joon asked from his room. I walked up the stairs and bent down to his height.

"Yes baby?" He fiddled with his fingers.

"C-can we go shopping?" He stuttered and I couldn't help but coo at him. I nodded.

"Of course baby but what do you want to buy." He fiddled with his fingers.

"S-skirts or dresses." I smiled and kissed his forehead.

"Of course baby." He looked surprised.

"Your not mad?" I shook my head.

"Of course not if you want to dress in skirts and dresses I'm not stopping you. As long as your happy." He smiled brightly.

We walked downstairs. Jackson was on the couch playing with his phone.

"Jackson we need to go shopping. You don't have to come we just need some money." He looked at me with a brow raised.

"Shopping? What for?"

"Clothes for JiJoon." Jackson nodded and tossed his black card to us.

"On one condition. You have to bring one of your friends. I trust Namjoon so take him." I looked at him. And he put his phone to his ear.

"Hey Namjoon! Can you watch JiJoon and Y/N while they go out? I'm busy and someone has to watch them." I groaned.

"Jackson I don't need to be watched! It's not like we can leave anywhere!" I yelled through gritted teeth.

"Yeah I'll watch over them. Send me the address I'll be there soon." He hummed and texted him the address.

I groaned and plopped down on the couch. JiJoon went and mocked me.

"Keep it up boy." I chuckled.

Soon the door bell rang and Jackson jumped over the couch to open the door. I groaned when I heard people mumbling.

Footsteps came and I jumped making me fall off the couch when Namjoon looked over the couch at me. I whimpered and stood up.

"Don't I have good fashion since." Jackson asked pointing my outfit. I stuck my middle finger up and he jumped over the couch. I quickly ran and without thinking hid behind Namjoon.

Jackson came chasing you again making you fall over the couch. He continued to chase you and you hid behind Namjoon.

"M-make him stop!" I yelled half laughing. Namjoon chuckled.

"Kids ready to go?" Joon chuckled happily and I glared at Jackson.

I hid behind Namjoon as we walked out of the house. I got Joon's car seat and put it in the back of Namjoon's car securing it.

I put him in the seat and buckled him up before sitting upfront. Namjoon started to car and I turned the radio on and propped my feet up on the dash drumming to the song.

'Just like when she was in high school' Namjoon thought and smiled. He looked and my skirt was riding up my thighs. He bit his lip and looked back at the road.

At a stop light he looked and he could see my lace panties. He grabbed my skirt and pulled it so it covered my thighs. I looked at him and his face was red.

We pulled up to the mall and I got Joon out before we all started walking. I held Joon's hand and Namjoon walked on the other side of him where the cars drive by.

Joon grabbed his hand and pulled himself up. I chuckled and Namjoon looked confused.

"Lift your arm so he goes up." I said and he nodded. Joon skips and jumps both of us pulling him up. We walked inside and we kept lifting him.

We get to a shop called FemBoys. We walk in and there's a lot of different styles. Joon pulled us to brighter clothes and he started picking stuff out.

Namjoon was confused at first but smiled when he saw his son happy.

Joon got some skirts and we went and let him try them on.

"So femboy?" Namjoon asked his brow popped up.

"Got a problem." Namjoon shook his head.

"No I don't mind Jackson and Jungkook were FemBoys when they were Younger." I was surprised.

"You mean that Jackson I live with? And my brother Jungkook?" He nodded and chuckled.

Joon came out and showed up.

After while we bought a lot of clothes for him  and took him for lunch and ice cream.

"What do you want?" I asked them as they sat down.


I chuckled and went to the counter ordering them. The man smiled at me and made them.

"How are you today?" He asked and I smiled.

"I'm good how about you?" He nodded and smiled.

"Are you from here?" I nodded then shook my head before chuckling.

"I'm from here but I've been in Japan for awhile." He smiled and handed me the Ice creams. I gave him the card and he swiped it writhing something on the receipt before giving it to me.

I smiled and took the ice cream to the seat and Namjoon looked disgusted.

"Is that mint chip?" I rolled my eyes.

"Yes. Problem?" He gagged and ate his. I looked at the receipt and notice a phone number.

"What chu got?" His brow popped. You admired how he looked when he did that but continued eating.

All of a sudden he snatched the receipt and frowned.

"What?" I asked and he looked at me.

"Your married." I rolled my eyes.

"So? I never wanted to marry him. Plus it's not like Mr. Wang will let me stay here forever." Namjoon rolled his eyes.

"And don't talk like you didn't cheat on my mom when you were engaged." His head shot up.

"That was a mistake" he shot back. My heartthrob shattered. I was a mistake.

I looked down.

"I want to leave." I said quietly, my head hanging.

"Y/N I didn't mean-" I shoved the Ice cream in his face and grabbed JiJoon leaving Namjoon shocked.


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