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I folded up the paper and headed up to the boys room. I saw Jackson petting there heads.

"Hey baby's." They stopped crying and jumped off the bed to hug me.

"What happened?" Jackson asked concerned.

"Nothing um I got him to sign divorce papers. And he's passed out in the kitchen." His eyes widened.

"What did you do?"

"Nothing it was just a taser. Also just leave him." Jackson nodded and went to his room. I laid the boys down then when they started to sleep I packed there clothes.

After I went in my room and packed before going to sleep.

In the morning my phone rang which woke me up.

"Hello..." I said in a sleepy voice still in bed.
"Y/N I got your mom to sign papers."
"Are you still asleep?"
"Whatever... you want."
"Y/N?" Namjoon chuckled as he heard the snores on the other line and hung up before packing his stuff and Yana's stuff.

Namjoon bought a house when he married my mother but no one knew about it.

Namjoon got in his car and him and Yana drove to my house. Leaving my mother screaming and crying for them to come back.

Namjoon and Yana walked to the door and Namjoon opened the door and looked around.

He changed his shoes and walked in fully. He looked in the kitchen and grabbed something from the fridge to eat.

He put an apple in his mouth and got another one to cut up for Yana. He grabbed a knife but jumped when he heard a man yell.

"You fucking man whore! You took my property! Why the fuck are you in my house eating my food!" Namjoon looked and saw his hands tied to the chair and chuckled.

"What exactly are you going to do your tied to a chair?" The man struggled to get out and Namjoon gave Yana her apple while she was watching the older man.

"Hey Joonie!" Jackson sang as he came downstairs.

"Hey Jackie" Namjoon hummed back. Jackson glared at his father.

"Jackson help me carry these!" Namjoon smiled when he heard me yell and rushed up to me. I was shocked to see him but smiled as he helped me carry the luggage down.

"Hey I can still see them right?" I nodded.

"Of course Jackson the boys like hanging around you." He smiled and helped put the bags in the car.

We put the bags in the car and Namjoon frowned when he looked at me.

"Did he put that bruise on your neck?" He asked and I seen he was getting mad.

"Yes it's fine though." He rolled his eyes and went inside me and Jackson followed right after him.

When we came in Mr. Wang was still tied up in the chair and Namjoon was punching him.

"Get him off before he kills him I'm getting the kids." Jackson nodded and went to pull Namjoon off while I dressed the boys and sat them in there car seats with Yana.

I sit in the passenger seat and not long after Namjoon and Jackson come out. Namjoon got in the driver seat and we waved to Jackson before driving off.

Namjoon played the radio as we drove to his house. We got to a forest and Namjoon pulled into a hidden driveway. Soon we see a huge house we a lot of cars.

"Welcome home. The boys stay every now and then but other than that no one knows this place exists." He held my hand and squeezed it before getting out and helping the kids out.

All of them stared at the house amazed at how big it was. We held there hands and went up to the house. We unlocked the door and everything was beautiful.

There was a huge black leather couch with a tv above a fireplace a chandelier in the kitchen above the black marble island that matches the counter tops. There were two floors, 12 rooms, 6 on the top floor 6 on the bottom floor. Every bedroom had a bathroom and 8 of those rooms had walk in closets.

There were 3 separate bathrooms in the hallways and a balcony in the music room. We walked for awhile and when we got back to the kitchen Namjoon smiled and we made our way to the steps again. He pressed a button on the wall and the stairs lifted up. We all followed him and it was a game room and a play room for the kids to hang out in.

The kids stayed in there and played while we went and upstairs to a big room. It looked way bigger than the others. I looked and everything was furnished with darker colors and there was a sperated part with a love seat and a tv with a fire place.

I went over and looked at the view of the back yard from the balcony

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I went over and looked at the view of the back yard from the balcony. Namjoon's arms snakes around my waist and placed his chin on my shoulder.

"I love you" I like the ring to that. I faced him and pecked his lips making him smile.

"I love you too." His dimples dug deep into his cheeks. He snuggled his face into my neck and left small kisses.

After awhile we went back downstairs and back in the gaming room where the kids where still playing.

I smiled at them playing before we headed out to the kitchen. We sat down in front of the island.

"Is there a school near here? All of them are supposed to start next year." I asked and Namjoon nodded.

"I already made sure we were near schools. The elementary and middle school are 20 minutes away and high school is 30 minutes away." I nodded and he held my hand.

"I'm glad we can finally be together without worrying about your mother or Mr. Wang." I smiled and agreed.

"Just took like what 5 almost 6 years." I chuckled and he smiled.

"It was worth it to finally be with you. Even if we had to be separated for most of the time. I'll make sure we won't have to be away from each other again." I smiled and we talked for awhile.


I kind of forgot I was supposed to be writing a story I've been reading other stuff.

My Stepfather: I still want youWhere stories live. Discover now