Chapter Twelve

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There are 3 days 11 hours 45 minutes and 34 seconds to prom. I really can't wait for my dream to come true, it's been two days Linda hasn't spoken to me. I'm so tired cuz I cried all night, Harry confessed his love for me, Zayn beat the hell out of Harry and Linda isn't speaking to me yet. What a life this is.

I called Zayn cuz I really needed him right now,"Good morning sleepyhead." "Good morning love, what's wrong?" I said,"Why are you assuming that something's wrong?" "Cuz it's 6:45am, there's something wrong." Omg, I didn't notice! "Whatever, I'll come and see what's going on." Zayn said. I didn't bother getting up, I don't care if Zayn comes and finds me in bed.

Zayn soon entered and found my eyes red and starting to tear up. He quickly ran and hugged me and sat on the bed,"Oh my lollibear, what's wrong?" Hold on, did he just give me a nickname? A weird one though. I don't care, as long as it comes from Zayn I'm fine with it.

Anyway, then I answered Zayn,"Well, Linda is still not speaking to me and I think I'm gonna miss everyone cuz AUN is kinda far, so yeah, I thought I would call you cuz I really needed someone to speak to." He then kissed me. I'm so glad I have Zayn in my life, he makes me feel happy when I'm sad, laugh when I'm crying and many more.

Zayn told me,"I'm going now love cuz you need some rest, text me later." I said,"No Zayn wait, I'll get better rest if you stay with me, please stay." He agreed and laid next to me, we were cuddling right now. Zayn said,"I love you Diana." Oh Zayn, I love you more. I then said,"I love you too baby."

We woke up, still cuddling. Zayn said,"Diana your body is burning, let me check your fever." Wait what?! I'm sick and prom's in 3 days. Nooooooo! Then I started coughing. Zayn checked my temperature and it was 39.5. Wow that's high. Zayn took his phone and dialled his doctor's number then he spoke.

"Hello, good morning Doctor Johnson, sorry to disturb you but my girlfriend is sick and has really high fever, is it ok if you come by? Her name is Diana Maria Riley. You know her? So you know the house right? Ok so you'll be here in 15 minutes. Thank you Doctor."

"He's coming soon, I'll be back let me just make you tea." "Ok Zayn." Then I sneezed. Ughh! I hate being sick.

*Ding Dong*
That's probably the doctor. The doctor came in and I was still lying in bed. He first checked my temperature, it was now 40. He gave me a full checkup and said that I had a heavily flu. And said that all I need to take is Panadol, some cough sirup and eat hot things. I asked him,"But doctor, prom is in 3 days, do you think I'll get better by that time?" He replied,"Yes you will Miss Riley, but you should rest and then you'll be as good as new for prom." Then I thanked him, Zayn payed him and he left.

Zayn walked back to me,"I'm gonna go to the supermarket to get you some tea and soup, then I'll pass to the pharmacy to get the Panadol and cough sirup ok? Just go freshen up and I'll be back." "Oh Zayn, you are the best boyfriend ever."

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