Chapter Sixteen

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Louis drove me and Nancy to my house. Nancy gave him a quick peck on the lips then we headed inside.

"Nancy, don't tell my family anything or else my brothers will kill Zayn." I whispered quietly, making sure no one will here us. She nodded in agreement. We tiptoed into my room and closed the door quietly.

I turned my phone on to find 50 messages, 40 were from Zayn and 10 were from my aunts and cousins, congratulating me. Zayn's messages were all apologies, fake ones though.

(Author's note: Sorry for not informing you,
Diana is Zoey Deutch
Zayn is Zayn Malik
Tania is Demi Lovato
Harry is Harry Styles
Nancy is Shanica Knowles
Linda is Camilla Rosso
Louis is Louis Tomlinson
Niall is Niall Horan
Liam is Liam Payne
That's all)

I quickly let my hair down, wiped my makeup off, and changed into my PJs. Nancy did the same. We sat on the couch in my bedroom.

"Nancy, let's go down and make some hot chocolate with marshmallows, then we come back and talk." "Ok."

We went down quietly then made our way to the kitchen. To be honest, my house is huge. We made some hot chocolate with marshmallows and went back to my room and sat down on the couch.

"So are you gonna tell me what happened?" Nancy asked. "Yeah." "Go on."

"So I went to use the bathroom, then I went out and bumped into Ha-... Harry.... And when I went back to the dance floor I saw him... Kissing Tania." I said and a tear sliding down my pale cheek.

"Diana, I'm gonna give you an advice, when he calls just answer ok? But don't answer the messages." "But what can I tell him?" "Just listen to what he has to say and if you think it's true... forgive him and if it's fake, just tell him that you are over." Nancy said. "Ok."

"That's my phone- it's him!" "Answer and do what I told you."

"Hell-" "Diana it wasn't what it looked like, she just came up and kissed me an-and I'm so sorry I know I was wrong can you please forgive me you know I love you." "Zay-" "Diana I'm outside your house, come out." He said and then I sighed.

"He's out, should I go?" "Go." Nancy said, "I'll leave you two alone and if you need me just call." "Ok."

I tiptoed till I reached the door and went outside where I saw Zayn standing.

"What do you want?" I asked. "I came to tell you a few things... Diana I will never love anyone but you, you light up my world like nobody else, I'm very sorry for what I did and if you leave me, I-I won't know what to do, I'll be lost like a puppy, please forgive me." "Zayn, I think we need a break, I can't be dating anyone now, especially you." "But-" there I walked back and shut the door.

I sat on the floor, my back against the door, crying.

Zayn's POV

I sat on the floor, back against the wall, crying. I do love her, she's my world, my life. I'm half a heart without her. Why? I keep asking myself.

I walked to my car and took one more look at her house, then got in and left.

Diana's POV

I walked back to my room and fell to my knees. I was crying so much that i feel like dying. Do I deserve this? Maybe I do.

Nancy ran over to me and hugged me tight. "Oooooh! Poor thing. C'mon, get some sleep."

I went to bed. I was still sobbing on the pillow till I drifted off to sleep.

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