Chapter 29

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Zayn's POV

"I do." I said. "Diana Maria Riley, would you take Zayn Javaad Malik to be your wedded husband?" "I do." She said. "You may now kiss the bride."

I leaned in and kissed Diana. "Hello, Mrs Malik." I whispered in her ear causing her to blush.

We're at the wedding party now. Me and Diana are having our dance. Everyone is looking at us. "Zayn?" She said. "Hmm?" "We went through a lot to be here right now. I'm happy that I'm finally with you." She said. "I love you, Diana." I said. "I love you more." She said.

Many were dancing now. Mr and Mrs Riley, Louis and Nancy, Linda and Niall (they got together three years ago), Liam and Alex (they are married and have a baby boy named Daniel), etc...

Harry traveled after college to London and is now an actor.

Someone patted my shoulder, "Zayn, can I dance with my daughter?" Mr Riley asked. "Sure." I said and Mr Riley and Diana were dancing.

I went over to my family's table. "Wal, do you wanna dance with me?" I asked my sister, Waliyha. "Sure, bro." She said and got up. "Zayn, I'm gonna miss not seeing you everyday." She said.

"Don't worry Wal, you'll always see me." I said. "Zayn?" Twelve year old Safaa said. "Can I dance with you now?" "Sure Saf." I said.

I danced with all my sisters and my mother.

It was now time to cut the cake. "Di? Why's your dad crying? And why are your brothers so sad?" I whispered into her ear. "I told them, about.. You know.." She said. "Oh." I said.

This issue is killing me. I can't risk losing her. She's my everything.

We cut the seven layer cake. We got the first two pieces and fed each other. Everyone clapped.

Diana's POV

The party's over and it's just the family that's here, we are all sitting around one table, laughing and chatting. "Diana, we're really gonna miss you sweetie." My mum said. "Yeah, we'll also miss Zayn." Mrs Malik said.

"Di, what are you gonna name your baby?" My eldest brother asked. "We're thinking Charlotte." Zayn said.

My eldest brother Matthew got married four years ago and has twins, a boy and a girl called Danny and Diana. He named her Diana 'cause he said he always liked my name. They are three years old.

"Matthew, why didn't you bring the kids?" I asked. "They'll get too tired if we bring them, I mean, look, it's 3:37am.." Ariana, Matthew's wife said. "You're right Ari."

"Di? Liam and I need to go, congratulations again babe." Alex said, getting up and hugging me. "Bye guys, kiss Dan for me." I said, hugging back.

"Bye everyone!" Alex said and they left.

"So Nancy, a ring on your finger?" My mum asked. "Yeah, well, Louis and I got engaged today." Nancy said. "Congrats!" I said.

"We have to get going." Mark said, getting up. "We should go too." Matthew said. "See you soon guys." I told them. "Enjoy your honeymoon, tell me how Hawaii will be like." Mark said. "Thanks. Bye guys." I said hugging them both, Ariana and Ameelya. "We're going too." Nancy said. "Bye." I said.

Everyone ended up going so me and Zayn took our already packed bags and went to the airport to go to Hawaii for our honeymoon.

Hey guys! Sorry for the short chapter but I'm out of ideas. Get ready for the last chapter of Should I Love Him? And get ready for book 2 which will be called Who You Are. Sorry for getting rid of Diana but I want some drama included. Thanks for reading this book guys!

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