Chapter Twenty-One

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"I have to go to class, Alex, I'm gonna be late." I sighed. "Hold on I'm coming!" She yelled through the bathroom door. "Here, how do I look for my date with Liam?" She asked. "You look great! Can I go now?" I said rudely. "Diana! Don't go! Wait!." She yelled. "What do you want now?" I asked. "Are you sure? What about my makeup?" "You look great, your makeup goes with your skin and hair." I said, being honest. "Bye!" I said, rushing out before she stops me.

As I entered class, there was someone sitting there already. It was Zayn. I went and sat next to him and he jumped off his chair, "Woah you scared the hell out of me." "Sorry." I apologised. "So you are in this class?" He asked. "Yes... and how was your night with Maya?" I asked. "Jealous much?" "No, I have a boyfriend and I'll have you know, he loves me and I love him." I slightly lied, I was kind of jealous though, but I shouldn't be weak in front of him.

He looked down and I saw that his right eye was kind of swollen. I then gulped and said, "Z-zayn... H-harry did this to you?" I then touched it then he gulped hard, "Don't t-touch me." He then went and sat on a seat right at the back so he could avoid me. I sighed then what I guess was the professor entered the class. I sighed as I took my books out.

At the end of the lesson I ran after Zayn and stopped him, "Umm Zayn I... I want to give you something back." I opened my back and took out the promise ring he gave me on my birthday. "I'm guessing you should have this, it doesn't belong with me." I placed it in his hand and he looked at it sadly, not wanting to look me in the eye. "Diana I... You can have it, I... I lo-" Someone came running to him and hugged him, I saw a red headed girl, I'm guessing it was Maya.

"Zaynie!" She squealed and hugged him tight, "Maya... Umm can you leave us to talk please, I'll text you later." He said. She then looked at me from up to down then I rolled my eyes. "Ok, Zayn." With that she left. "Diana, can we go sit somewhere and talk?" He asked and I agreed.

We went to Burger King. "What would you like to have, Diana?" Zayn asked me. "I'm fine thank you." I said. "I'm gonna order your favourite smoothie." He said and as I opened my mouth to tell him I didn't want, he was already ordering. "One vanilla smoothie and one chocolate smoothie." He said. After the young man gave us our drinks and Zayn payed after we argued.

We took a seat right at the corner. "So... You were telling me something when that slut interrupted." I said. Zayn smiled and looked at his smoothie, then he looked up at me and said, "I was saying that... I wanted you to have it because I... Diana I... I still love you." He then looked away quickly, not wanting to look at me. "Zayn, Harry told me to keep distance from you, so let's not talk, that's better I think and thank you for the smoothie." I then placed the ring on the table next to him and walked out as quickly as possible, almost running.

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