Chapter Six

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Ugh, it's Monday and our first lesson is biology. Zayn sits next to me in biology and thank God I did my homework, and Zayn also did it so we can be relieved. When it was time for math, Zayn and I were walking to our math class and I could see Harry on the floor. We both quickly picked him up and sat him on a chair. Then I spoke,"You poor thing, Harry, who did this to you?" He then coughed and answered,"Some guy named Liam, I-I don't know w-why but as I understood, he was Linda's ex." I gasped and Zayn took permission to get him to the nurse. I took a seat next to Linda, she said,"Why does Liam have to be like that, I don't even like him anymore and he's still not over me, why doesn't he come to me and beat me up, why Harry?" "Linda that's normal, maybe Harry's ex might even come and beat you up." I laughed and she also laughed and said,"If that girl wants to come and have a piece me, I'm gonna make her runaway like the bad girl she is." Now Linda is feeling better, now I'm scared for Zayn cuz I heard that Niall also has a crush on me. What a school this is. But Zayn can defend himself cuz he took karate for 5 years, he has a black belt now. Finally it was lunch, and the good thing is that today I have packed lunch with me and I don't need to eat the cafeteria food. I found Zayn sitting as I walked in with Linda, he waved at me then I walked to him and took a seat next to him and gave him a kiss on his cheek. I could see him blush, then I laughed and said,"Zayn you're actually blushing?" "Diana, when I'm with you I blush all the time." Then I kissed him on his cheek again and told him,"I love you." Then he whispered in my ear,"You are mine now Diana, no one will take you away from me." A tingle went down my spine, but I love that feeling. All the classes passed and school is finally over. As I was walking out the door, a hand pulled me towards him. It was Niall. He pushed me against the wall and said,"Diana I love you, be my girlfriend?" "Never! Leave me!" He tried kissing me and I tried pushing him away from me. Then a hand punched him, it was Zayn. He was beating Niall up then he got up and said,"Stay away from my girlfriend or else." Then he kicked him. Zayn ran to me and hugged me. I was shivering then he asked me,"Diana are you ok? What did this jerk want from you?" "Zayn it's o-ok I-I'll tell you in the c-car." He held my hand and we walked to his car, I really love Zayn and I know that he really loves me. When we got in the car I told him,"I love you so much babe, I'm so lucky to have you in my life."
Zayn's Pov
When she told me those words I could feel happiness. I was so jealous when she had a crush on Harry but I know that she loves me. I drove and before we reached her house, I stopped the car and got out and ran towards her side, I opened her door and she got out. I put my arms on her back and she put her arms on my neck and we kissed. Her lips tasted like strawberry.
Diana's Pov
What we are doing is my second kiss, his lips were so soft and his breath tasted like fresh mint. Zayn is 16. His birthday was 3 months ago and my birthday is, omg my birthday is in a week. My sweet sixteen.

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