Chapter 28

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"Mum, Linda and Nancy are gonna be my bridesmaids ok?" I said. "Ok Diana, but don't you want Natalia to be a bridesmaid considering she's your closest cousin?" Mum told me. "Ok fine! Three bridesmaids it is!" I said.

I'm gonna be 21 in a month, I'm 7 months pregnant and I'm going through C-section. There's a reason. The doctor told me that when I give birth I have a high possibility of not making it, as in I'm going to die when giving birth.

Zayn and my family don't know, Linda, Nancy and my mum know.

They are all heartbroken.

Anyways, my wedding's in four days. The day before the wedding, we are having a bachelorette's party. Me, Linda and Nancy are planning it out.

Nancy started tearing up. "Aww nancy what's wrong?" I asked. "I don't wanna lose you Di! Why didn't you have abortion instead? I mean, you have two months left to live.." She said, sobbing. "Nancy, I didn't have the heart to kill little Charlotte over here.." I said, touching my belly.

"You're naming her Charlotte?" Linda asked, also tearing up. "Yeah.. I'm telling Zayn about, you-know-what.." I told them.

"Telling Zayn what?" Zayn came in and gave me a peck on the lips. "We're gonna leave you two alone.." Nancy said going out, Linda following her.

"Zayn, don't be angry when I tell you.." I started crying. "What's wrong Diana? Are you leaving me? Is the baby alright?" He asked. "It's nothing about that! Zayn I'm gonna die!" I yelled, sobbing.

"What do you mean y-you're gonna d-die?" He asked, stuttering. "Zayn, I wanted to tell you a long time ago but I didn't know how to.. It was either me or the baby, meaning... Zayn, when I give birth, I'll die, b-because I'm not strong enough to g-give birth." I explained.

Tears fell from Zayn's eyes, through his cheeks. "Isn't there a w-way for b-both of you to l-live?" He asked.

"No, she's gonna see the light of this world, she's gonna live, and I, I won't be here with you physically, but I'll be in your hearts." I said.

"But why didn't you go for abortion?" He asked in a low voice. "I didn't want to kill baby Charlotte.." I said, my voice breaking. "Charlotte?" He asked. "Yeah, Charlotte." I said, smiling. "I love you." He said. "I love you more." I said.

We hugged.

"So Diana, for the bachelorette's party, you will wear white, the bridesmaids will wear pink, and the other girls will wear yellow." Linda told me. "Why not everyone wear pink?" Nancy asked her. "I go with what Linda said." I told them. "Yay!" Linda squealed.

"Let's hand out all the invitations, girls, the chauffeur will drive, and all four of us at the back!" Natalie said. "Will we all fit-? Oh yeah we rented a Limo!" I said. "Girls, wear these dresses and these sandals and these on your hair." I said.

We all got changed into a light green dress, black sandals and tiaras on our heads. We headed to the limo and drove. "Ok, first to Mia, then Mackenzie, then Rose, then Anna, then Marie." I said.

We finally handed out all the invitations and went home. "Girls, I can't believe that you are sleeping over till the day of the wedding!" I said. "That's what besties are for." Nancy said. "Thanks girls, for everything." I said.

Today's the bachelorette's party. I wore my white knee-length dress and white heels. Nancy, Linda and Natalie wore pink knee-length dresses and the guests wore yellow dresses. I'm so excited.

"Mmm... Chocolate fountain. Thanks Natalie." I said. "You are welcome." She said.

The party went well till Tania came unexpectedly. "What are you doing here?" Linda asked. "I came to congratulate my friend since she's getting married tomorrow." Tania said. "Yeah, about 5 years ago you ruined Zayn and Diana's relationship." Nancy said.

"Come on guys forgive me, I changed and I miss you all." Tania said. "Oh yeah? It's because you have no friends, that's why you "miss" everyone." Linda said, adding the quotes.

"She can stay, I forgave her a year ago." I said. "Ok." Nancy and Linda said in unison.

The party went on well, we did many things. Everyone went home except for Nancy, Linda and Natalie who we're sleeping over.

"Girls, we should get some sleep, we have a big day tomorrow." Nancy said, turning off the lights. "Goodnight." I said. We all drifted off to sleep.

Today is a big day, I don't know if I'm nervous or excited. I sat myself up, stretched and yawned. I got up from the bed and went to the bathroom to shower. I had a nice refreshing shower then brushed my teeth.

"Rise and shine girlies!" I yelled and opened the curtains causing Linda to fall of the bed. "Owwww?! What was that for?!" She asked. "You need to get up. The hair and makeup stylist is coming in thirty minutes!" I said. "Ok we're up!" Nancy said getting up.

Nancy, Linda, Natalie and I went to have breakfast. "Mornin' mum." I said. "Good morning Sweetie, good morning girls." My mum said. "Good Morning Mrs. Riley." They said. "Mmm.. I smell egg! Good thing I've been craving egg since like, two days ago." I said.

They all laughed. We say down and had breakfast then the doorbell rang. "Ill get it!" Nancy said, getting up. "Di! The stylist's here!" She said. "Coming!" I said and got up. "Jason, how are you?" I said. "I'm good, gurl you're getting married today, I have the perfect idea for your hair and makeup. Lets go get started." He said.

Just to let you know, Jason's gay.

Jason is done with my hair and makeup. I look amazing! "Jason thanks!" I said. "Welxie! Now go get into your wedding dress." He said.

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