Chapter Three

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As I was walking through the school hallway, I passed Harry's girlfriend (Ariana) crying. I really didn't know what was going on cause I'm a nobody. I heard some people saying that Harry broke up with her. I felt that there's a smile on my face :). I continued walking then I bumped into a guy's chest, I looked up and saw Harry offering his hand to me, I gave him my hand and stood up. He looked directly into my eyes and I did the same. He started a conversation, " Hi, did I hurt you?" I replied, " N-no, not at all." I was really nervous. He said,"So I I'm Harry." "So I've heard, I'm Diana." This is what they call an awkward moment, we were just staring at each other and then Harry asked, " What are you doing during lunch?" I said,"Well I usually sit with my best friends, Linda, Nancy and Zayn." He said,"Well I was wondering if you would like to join me for lunch cause I have no one to sit with now, I broke up with Ariana, there's this thing about her that I hate." I made myself look surprised but I knew. I said,"If you don't have anyone to sit with you can join us, if you're cool with that." "Yeah it's cool." We walked to the cafeteria where I found my friends sitting and chatting while eating. "You guys, guess who joined us, Harry Styles." I spoke. The girls smiled at me but Zayn didn't look happy. "Harry, this is Nancy Green, this is Linda Blake and this is Zayn Malik." I introduced. I sat in between Zayn and Harry. Finally school is over. As I was walking past the door, I saw Zayn standing next to his car, he waved at me and I went. "Sup Zayn?" "Hi." Then I asked him,"What's the matter? I saw you frowning when Harry came." He looked at me and said,"Diana, I got jealous when you brought Harry here, I just wanted to tell you that..." "That what." "That I love you." I felt my heart skip a beat. "Zayn I... I love you too but as a best friend. You know I like Harry." He said,"Diana I loved you since kindergarten and I couldn't hold it anymore, do you wanna be my girlfriend?" I was shocked, I think I do love Zayn, really really do. "Zayn, yes I'll be your girlfriend." He hugged me and spin me around. He was so happy.

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