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"IT'S 5 P.M. GUYS, WAKE UP, WE NEED TO BE READY TO WELCOME THE GUESTS", shouted Min Yoongi, at the top of his voice.

"We have guests?" asked Pat, stupidly.

"Yes, Pat, they made a reservation through the internet yesterday", reminded Wang, and smacked Pat across the head.

"Hey, why did you smack me?" asked Pat, annoyed.

"Honestly, I always thought that vampires are supposed to be a lot smarter than they look. For the first time I've been wrong"

"I look smart?" asked Pat joyfully.

That earned him another smack across his head again.

"Oh shut it both of you", said Yoongi, who was already fed up with the bickering that always ensued between Pat and Wang.

"He started it", complained Pat.

"Well that's because you are stupid", said Wang, then ignoring Pat's protest, he started conversing with Yoongi "What's the point anyways Yoongi, you never let us feast upon them"

"You do not want to be feasting upon your guests Wang", reminded Yoongi through gritted teeth "It's already bad enough that guests don't visit us at all. As a vampire, I agree that all we need is blood to survive but without the money how are you going to pay for the rent and buy clothes?"

"And even eat that delicious human pizza", said Pat

"Yes", agreed Yoongi.

Wang gave in begrudgingly.

"If anyone stays in this filthy guesthouse and doesn't catch some sort of deadly disease", he said, looking around "and how many times have I to remind you Pat, CLEAN THE BLOODSTAINS ONCE YOU ARE DONE DRINKING IT"

Pat didn't say anything.

It was true that the place was very dirty. The rooms were dank and dark just to avoid sunlight, it was littered with smears of blood which they covered every time with story about an old person who had lung cancer and died there to the confused visitors and how much they valued their customers to the point that they refused to clean the stains. The truth however was far far from it. It was Pat, who was very careless while he dragged animal carcasses on the floor and feasted upon them in the living room.

"Who was on cleaning duty last week", asked Yoongi, irritated.

Pat slowly raised his hands.

"As expected Pat", said Yoongi, full of sarcasm "I wonder why you even bother to do anything at all. The dishes all looked filthy too, by the way, and I had to redo them"

Wang complained loudly.

"Hey, the smell of old blood on the dishes give it such a rustic flavour" he said.

They were still arguing while Yoongi let them to the guestrooms to remove the dust that had accumulated, and change the bed sheets. The guests were arriving at around 8 P.M.

"I don't think humankind enjoys that Wang", said Yoongi, each word maliciously.

"I think humankind enjoys bloodshed more than vampires", said Pat, as he started removing the old bed sheet and drooled over the new one.

"EW Pat, get off you wanker", said Wang.

"I'm older than you", reminded Pat for the fifth time that day.

"Only by 132 years", said Wang, as he rolled his eyes.

"Let me give you a 132 rounds of my fist then and I will prove it", said Pat, angrily.

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