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This is the thirty first century. Human population is almost seven million now. After a mass destruction that occurred over five hundred years ago due to human greed, the remaining people decided to live a life of harmony. Poverty was eliminated, forest and wildlife returned to promiscuity, population had declined to very low in number and the needed manpower was replaced with robots. Humans started creating robots now that could help in household chores, industries, and small shops to corporate world. There was a peaceful co-existence between human kind and robots.

When an old scientist named Goodfellow designed a robot and named him RM, he thought that RM would be his companion during his old age. Although designing robots was bit of a tricky job, Goodfellow was not completely in adept, he had done these kinds of work before when he worked with his previous company. But as Goodfellow worked on his robot, he was dismayed that his old age was marring with his ability to work and RM proved to be less efficient than he thought. However, he grew with sympathy for the robot and decided to keep it, but when RM had broken four out of the five china dishes in his house, lit his old vehicle on fire when all he asked was to lift the old engine out of the car for better inspection, let his cat get loose and escape, fought hundred times over with his neighbour over her broken vase, destroyed his fruit baskets and the fruit and made his grandchild cry by breaking her favourite toys many times over, Goodfellow decided that RM had to leave.

RM was indeed very sad when he heard that he was being released to the harsh outside world by his creator. He knew it was very difficult to get jobs as an inefficient robot, as he heard many times over from his jobless uncle Kiuw, who was also designed by Goodfelllow a year previously. Kiuw, however had still some skills in the IT community as he took classes months prior to his release. RM did try to do the same thing, but he ended making a mess there too, when he kicked the laptop as it took some time to reboot and completely wrecked it.

RM wondered street after street. He didn't need the money to eat as a normal human being. Robots didn't need food or shelter. All they needed was the ROBOT OIL, and it was pricey. RM also crashed with his robot friends while he was unemployed, but after it became clear that he would either drink too much of ROBOT OIL, or break the bottles where it was kept, he was soundly asked to leave.

Even the companies that did employ him quickly realized his incompetitivenss, the either paid him a very low wage or didn't pay him at all. Worse was that he had to pay them back more than two or three folds because he always seemed to break something. He started being called 'The God of Destruction' and it did a lot of harm to his reputation. Sleeping on the street too was getting to be more difficult, as there were a lot of homeless people and robots on sight. The homeless robots looted him of the little ROBOT OIL that he had and the homeless people chased after him and accused him of stealing their jobs.

"How am I stealing your job when nobody even employs me?" he reasoned with another stranger that was chasing him down the street with a stick.

RM decided to leave the city after the incident. It was getting quiet dangerous too because he was being chased with Safire. Safire was the element that could destroy a robot and take its life. Whenever a robot was too in adept to operate, they put him/her down by using Safire, a type of metal that had been discovered about two hundred years ago. Safire melted at 10,000 degrees Celcius and was extremely dangerous.

After days of not getting ROBOT OIL, RM collapsed somewhere along the outskirts of the city, panting and breathing heavily. He thought that he was going to die, the heat inside his body threatened to engulf him, as it often did to a robot who was denied of ROBOT OIL for a very long time. His vision had become tunnelled and blurry, his body lethargic, his mouth dry and his joints stiff. At that time, he thought he heard someone say "There is someone down here"

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