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"The annual cook-a-meat competition has begun. Ladies and gentlemen, put on your chef's hat and get ready to cook some meat today"

Rae looked around the crowd of people around her kitchen station. Today was the final day of the annual fair that happened in London, and the last day always ended with this competition. Cook-a-meet was not one of the greatest opportunity to have a high flying job in the culinary world or anything like that but it sure earned you one thousand euros to sustain your rent for a few months, that is, until you get broke again.

"Remember Chefs, you need to cook your dish in 30 minutes under the clock and present it to the judges. The best dish will be selected as the winner and you will get a rewarded beyond your imaginations."

Rae scoffed. Prize beyond your wildest imaginations, yeah right, like they are going to give billions.

"The cash prize is doubled this time, sooooo you will be getting two thousand pounds, plus this wonderful new Philip's dishwasher".

That caught Rae's attention. She wanted a new dishwasher ever since she moved out of her parent's apartment, after staying about 18 years with them .She hated doing the dishes. It would have been so much easier if every time someone ate a dish, the plate would clean itself up.

"However, this year there is a little twist", said the announcer "this time you will be cooking in pairs"

That earned a lot of groan from the audience. Rae had actually believed that this year's cook-a-meat competition would not be a scam, but it did turn out to be exactly that.

"Please head to your stations, there you will find a number written on your counter and you will be paired with the person with the same number for the finale. Don't look disappointed folks, each one in the pair is going to receive two thousand euros as promised".

Everyone's face lit up. Rae's faith in humanity was restored.

She quickly moved to the counter to see a number written 11 and started scanning people. Everyone was shouting 1, 7,8,4,22,17 all around but no one seemed to be shouting 11. So she loudly waved the number over her head and shouted "11,11".

Just then someone else shouted 11 back somewhere behind her and she quickly turned. Rae's face fell. Of all the people that could get the number and be paired with her, it was Kim Seokjin.

Rae loudly exclaimed her disappointment.                  

"YOU", she accused, as though it was his fault.

He didn't look pleased too, which was evident by the way he was gritting his teeth.

"Yeah, me", he retorted "Why are you 11?"

"Because it's written on my counter idiot", I shouted back.

"I would rather be paired with a troll"

I sneered "How would you be paired with yourself?"

Jin laughed menacingly "Oh hah, you're so funny, I think you should join a comedy club, cooking is not for you. By the way, I don't think this competition is about burning stuff up"

I stared "Hey that was one time"

"One time equals several times in Jin's dictionary"

"Oh, so you wrote your own dictionary too? Why don't you move along and complete that"

"I'm about to win this competition first and writing the dictionary second"

"Winning does not account putting salt in your cake Jin"

BTS One Shotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें