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Elsie woke on a bright Monday morning at the crack of dawn. Briskly taking out her new DSLR, which was her birthday gift, she adamantly decided that today she was going to beat Taehyung, after all, she was done being the second best of her photography class that she was attending. And, not to mention the snootiness that Taheyung had recently obtained was unbearable.

Just yesterday , he had smirked evilly as he got another applause from the team of photographers for his work in photography (it wasn't even that impressive, thought Elsie, but everyone admired it as though they had just witnessed the second coming of Christ.

He even got a brief nod from their mentor, Mr. Kim Dae Yung.

His photo was just basically a photo of...............................yes , you guessed it, Him. A self-portrait of this arrogant-as-an-ass person.

Lemme see how you beat this beautiful sunrise, Tae, though Elsie, as she climbed on the roof with the camera slung around her shoulders. She laughed an evil Muhaaaaaa, but then someday complained from below,

"Who sounds like a dying cat there?", rather rude.

"Sorry", said Elsie, tiptoeing now, so as not to wake up her neighbours.

Dawn was just breaking and there was a brilliant array of prismatic light, surrounding her all around, covering her from head to toe. For a brief moment, she felt that the sunrays enveloped her, showered her and she forgot all her worries, when suddenly a large tabby cat pounced from behind the chimney.

Elsie screamed, trying to hold onto dear life, with a dangly camera on one side of the chimney and her other hand somewhat trying to hold on its base.

"Stupid cat", she muttered, then started shouting


But there was just the cat, smiling slyly and Elsie, being quiet furious, tried to shoo it away.

Wrong move.

She came crashing down from the roof, and landing soundly underneath her apartment with a sudden thud on her ass. Her arms and legs were battered bloody, her butt ached like it was on a hot frying pan, getting cooked, and she realized with dismay that she had a large concussion on her head.

"Have I passed out?" was the last thought she had, as her consciousness drifted away, and the last thing she remembered was seeing the tabby cat, smiling a gleeful smile, with its palm around her camera.


A telephone was ringing somewhere, there was some shuffling of papers, someone talking to someone else, some more brisk walking and machine like sound nearby.

Elsie woke to a bright light. She thought she was in heaven, although it would not be possible, since she had just fallen down from a single storey house, however if she had died and was in heaven, she had to make a nice impression to God.

"God, if my friend Ae Ra complained to you about the last slice of pizza, I swear to you, I didn't know she had put that for herself. I was just hungry and there was nothing else to eat. Plus I baked a cake for her."

Someone chuckled. Elsie shook her head and got annoyed. God simply should not be mocking her when she was really this serious

"Plus, YES I Know I am guilty here because I did put the chewing gum on Taehyung's chair on Friday and I denied. But he had told me that my photography skill was as good as just posting selfies"

"I knew it", said a deep voice, somewhere nearby.

Then Elsie realized that she was not in heaven, as her cloudy judgement became clearer and she regained her consciousness and saw some doctors, her apartment mate Ae Ra and , as luck would have it, Taehyung.

"Yeah" she said, slowly getting up, and at the same time holding her head as a shooting pain spread across her temple "I don't know what I was talking. Do I know you?" she asked Taehyung, as he looked at her, frowning.

"What were you doing so early on the roof?"asked Ae Ra, trying to sound a little authorotive.

"I fancied a walk", Elsie lied.

"On the roof?" asked Taehyung, not buying into my lie.

"Yeah, I jog on the roof everyday", she told him "Trying to lose a few pounds, you see Tae"

"I thought you didn't know me", he asked cheekily.

"Right, stranger.............. I do like to walk on the roof"

Just then, a doctor walked in, with a file load of medical stuff written on them, and started reading out his chart

"Miss Elsie Hamburgur"

"Hambuerger", Elsie corrected.

"Miss Hamburgur, your condition is quiet mild. However, you did fall down and injured your head so you might feel dizzy time and again. Do you feel any nauseating symptoms, or vomiting?" he asked.

"Except a slight pain on my head, nothing else"

The doctor looked on, as though she had grown some set of horns around my head. She realized that he must have thought she was insane or something like that

"I'm fine really", she assured him "you can let me go. I actually climbed up to take a few photos but lost my footing"

"Ahaa", shouted Taehyung, with a sudden outburst "I knew it, you wanted to sabotage my position"

"Good going", she said, and gave him a thumbs-up.

"We ran a few tests and it seems fine", he said, again looking at the charts "I suppose you are good to go"

"Thank you", said Elsie  "Ae Ra, I'm really sorry. But could you pleassseeeee drive me to the institute?"

"No way", announced Ae Ra "you need to rest"

"I have to go, I have to really show some of the photos I took yesterday and.....oh no, my camera"

Ae Ra looked at her.

"The cat ran away with it for some time, but Mr. Lee caught up to it and finally got your camera back"

Elsie looked at her, delighted.

She however, didn't look that pleased.

"The lens", she started "It's a little scratched up"

She handed her the camera, which she seemed to be magically hiding behind her back.

Elsie just looked at it. The lens was kind of destroyed.

"God does hate me for eating that last slice of pizza", she said, rather sadly.

"Maybe he's angry because the gum tore my pants", whined Tae.

"Nah, I'm sure he is as annoyed with you as I am. It's probably the pizza", she said, refusing to believe him.

Tae huffed.

"Why are you here, anyways?" asked Elsie, perplexed.

"I wanted to see you suffer", said Tae, simply "Ae Ra mentioned that you had an accident falling from the roof and I knew you had done something stupid".

She glared at him, while he shrugged his shoulders. He was absolutely right.

"I hate you", she said, for the second time that week.

Tae said nothing. He quietly took the camera from my hands and turned it over "you can repair this", he said, his eyes intently looking at it.

Elsie smiled, maybe he wasn't that bad

"However", he said, looking up "you can't fix that"

He was pointing at my head.

Ae Ra laughed, and after feigning annoyance for some time, Elsie laughed along too.

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