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Earlier today Lea, her mom, and my dad went to Cebu for a conference, unfortunately, I wasn't able to attend the said event with them because I have an early meeting with our new possible retainer's client. Waking up so early to be in the office knowing I wouldn't see Lea today feels odd. I am very accustomed to her presence every damn day, I am intoxicated by her and there's no question to that.

We've just wrapped up a draining but productive meeting and it's almost lunch. I'm on my way to my office, yes I got transferred to my new office but it was just near Lea's office --- right next door to be specific. I figured there was also a lunch break from their conference so I decided to call her cause this is the only chance she was going to check her phone. After three rings she picks up the call.

"Hey." Hearing her voice over the phone makes my stress from the meeting fade away.

"Hi, just call to check up on you. Did you eat your lunch already?"

"Thank you for checking up on me now and then today, that's sweet of you. We just finished eating our lunch, how about you? How did the client meeting go?"

"I'm in my office now, just came back from the conference room so I haven't eaten yet. The meeting stressed the hell out of me but it went well."

"You know what, you should go eat your lunch instead of talking to me right now."

"I just want to hear your voice and now that I did, I'll go grab my lunch na, babes."

"Okay, good. Enjoy your lunch. I'll call you later after work."

"I look forward to that. Take care and I miss you, babes."

Before I hang up I heard her chuckle and she's doing it again to me without her knowing it. --- charming me, enchanting me, completing my day which I guess is part of her numerous talent, well it works for me. I know rolling your eyes is not adorable but believe me whenever she does that she's so adorable. I could just watch her all day and I would never complain.

It took me more than my usual drive to go home cause yah know traffic sucks. I take my dinner while waiting for Lea to call me, I have my take-out food with me coz I'm not in the mood to cook dinner. I know it will cause me another hour in the gym to get em'burn.

After getting rid of the trash from my dinner I settle on the couch while watching "The Universe" on Netflix, and finally, the moment I'd been waiting for came -- receiving a call from Lea.

We are talking just about anything under the sun and having a few minutes of silence knowing the other is just on the line enjoying the peace and silence. We jive even just with silence cocooning us and feeling the breeze of love, and I am now missing her more than I should.

"I am now missing you more than I should," I utter the words running inside my mind.

"So, are you now complaining and pointing the blame at me?" Even without seeing it I know, she's raising her brow.

"Of course not. I'm just saying coz I might go to the airport now and grab the first flight to be with you and hug you so tight."

I hear her chuckle on the other line. "Sus, sige na. I miss you, and your handsome face too. But you should go to bed na and sleep. Goodnight."

And that makes an idea pop. "Wait, I'll send you something."

I sent her a photo of mine which cause her to burst into laughter.

"Yan babes, para hindi mo ma-miss masyado kagwapuhan ko. Albeit I am loving the idea of you missing me, I don't want you to suffer."

"Wow, you're incredible babes. Really! Matulog ka na nga antok lang yan."

And we both laugh at that "Goodnight my love. I miss you so much"

"Okay, I miss you, too. Goodnight, babes."

It feels good talking to her first thing in the morning and ending the day with her -- just on phone now. Too early but I can now imagine her sleeping and waking up in my arms.


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