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Torn between falling in love and running away. There will always come a point in our life when we got torn in choosing between two or more things. Falling in love and running away give us pros and cons. Falling in love is magical, it feels like you were on cloud nine of something, you can't figure out why, but it indeed feels so good. Running away will make us think that we saved ourselves from possible chaos, we think is the kind of breather we need. But at the end of the day, we end up facing the mirror and asking the question "Did I make the right choice? What if I stay? What if I give what my heart wants? What ifs and what could have been?"

We all want to be with someone who we'd give all the love in the world and know that they'll give it back to us tenfold. Aga is consistent in showing Lea that he wants to talk to her, wants to know how she's doing, all the small things that always noticed and make her heart leap. After a long while, it feels good and nice to know that you have been in someone's mind and heart.


It made her heart at ease that if ever she and Aga became a thing, her friend already cast their votes for Aga. Their opinion matters to her, for sometimes she trusts their perspective more than herself. We all have friends that know us so well, that when times we put ourselves in doubt we have someone we can talk to that knows us like the back of their hands.

Lea walks back inside her house smiling so wide, that no matter how hard she tries to hide it shows naturally. Walked to her dining joined her friends, and sat there silently watching them enjoying the food while laughing.

Vice noticed her presence, much more the wide smile attached to her beautiful face. "Naks, girl yung ngiti mo grabe. Nahiya sayo yung rainbow sa pagka colorful. Saya ka msyado te?"

Lea slightly tilts her head to glance at her friends and nods "Yes, I am..." but a slight doubt is still kicking her inside.

"Lei, we are your friends. You are happy we can see that, Oh look." Rachel said and pointed her index finger to her telling everyone to see that happy smile. "But I can also see you through, you're still in doubt deep inside." She jumps off her chair and walks to stand beside her friend "Lei, take your time. Put yourself together, we can see that Aga is very willing to wait for you to be ready. But don't make him slip on your hand, he is a good person and we can say that he loves you."

"I want to keep him, D. I hate myself for having doubts, I don't want it inside me."

"Take it easy, Lei. I'm sure Aga will understand, slowly mawawala yang doubt na yan sa puso mo. You know how?"

"His care, love, and assurance will wash it away?" She asked with full of hope in her eyes.

"Absolutely, Lei."

"Tumpak girl." Rachel and Vice agreed in unison.

"I am looking forward to that."


Going to work is not the same as before, knowing that he's in the same office and working as she put a different meaning in all aspects. They both look forward to doing their work together, sharing ideas, and even having a little argument that will show how serious they are in doing their work. But at the end of the day, they will still end up talking and clearing things out, setting the work aside, and just being who they are to each other. Who they are at work and who they are in their not-so-official relationship are two different aspects, they both want to be professional in doing their work at all times possible.

They are in the conference room for their team meeting.

"The meeting is to show us being transparent and to have a more cooperative relationship with our client. We are going to present and discuss what we did during our review and explain any recommendations that we all come up with." Lea is explaining the thing that her team will do for their audit conference with their clients, while the team is in focus on what she is talking about and making sure to take notes of important things.

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