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Seeing Lea smile will melt your heart, the sound of her laugh is the sweetest thing you've ever heard, her eyes are like an ocean that will make you slowly drown in it. Lea is compassionate and competitive, she's tender but tough, and she's smart no question about that. Lea is strong, humble, a woman with such a sweet, pure, and genuine soul. She's so rare, a real gem. I just can't help myself but admire her more.

End of POV

It was almost 9 pm when they arrived at the hotel lobby. They were walking and talking to each other when someone bumped into Lea's side.

"Miss I'm sorry I wasn't looking." The man said.

Her world stops when she heard the voice coming from the man, seems like she heard it before. She kind-a recognizes who owns that voice. She turn her gaze to the man, and yes she was right.

"Lei? Lea...."

"Robbie? Uhm... Hi." Awkwardly uttered.

"How are you? What are doing here?" He asked while smiling.

Aga on the other hand quietly observed the two.

"Ah. I'm fine, just for work. You? What are doing here?"

"Ocular site visit. When are you going back to Manila? Are you free now? Can I invite you for coffee? You know some catch-up." He asked.

It made Aga's ear perked up "gabi na po coffee pa? Tsaka andito ako may kasama siya. Hoy Lea nakalimutan mo ata na may kasama ka, na andito ako, baka lang naman maalala mo ako, baka lang naman Lea." He thought.

"We are flying back to Manila tomorrow morning. Thank you for the invite but I'm with someone eh. Maybe next time. Anyway, Robbie this Aga, Aga this is Robbie." She introduced them to each other.

Aga offered his hand for a handshake which Robbie gladly accepted. "Nice meeting you Aga."

"Ditto." He simply answers.

"Uhm Robbie, mauna na kami. We have some work to do pa eh, you take care."

"Thank you, Lei, you too. Take care. I am looking forward to that next time ha? We need to catch up, and next time I won't take no as an answer." And then he turn his gaze to Aga and said "Nice meeting you again Aga." Which the latter gives him a nod before leaving him.

Lea was silent after that, they are now inside the elevator going back to their respective rooms. Her silence worried Aga so he ask "Lei? Are you okay?"

His question made Lea realize that she was with Aga all along "I'm fine." She just simply answered for she was not in the mood to talk.

Aga felt that she want peace and she was not in the mood to talk so he respects it. They both head out of the elevator but before they went into their respective rooms Aga grabbed Lea's hand and said "If you need something just call me, or if you want someone to talk to I'm just one text or call away. I already said this before, but I think just need to tell you this again. You can count on me Lei, always remember that."

"Yeah. Thank you." Then she looked at his hand still holding hers to which Aga realized what she meant by that so he let go of his hold and just look at Lea walking towards her room.

He's staring at his laptop for god-knows-how-long now, he can't get himself together to focus on doing his work because of Lea. He's just worried about the way she acted after she bumped into that man in the lobby. "Who is that guy? Who is he in Lea's life? Ok, lang kaya siya?" He asked himself. "But how come will I know if hindi ko siya tatanungin? Itext ko kaya? Or tawagan? Oh, Aga no. Respect her, if she doesn't want to talk about it. Don't cross the line, don't ever dare to try. She will tell you if she wants to."

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