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"Ladies and gentlemen welcome to Mactan Cebu International Airport, for the local time here is 15 minutes passed ten in the morning, and the outside temperature is eighteen degrees centigrade. For safety reasons please remain in your seat with your seatbelt fastened until the aircraft has come to a complete stop and the seatbelt sign has been switched off. Please use caution when opening the overhead luggage compartments as items may have shifted during the flights and could fall out and cause unexpected injury. Please also check all your seat pockets and make sure that you have all your personal belongings with you when leaving this aircraft.

It is now safe to use mobile phones and please remember that smoking is not permitted until you are inside the designated smoking area in the terminal.

On behalf of the crew, we hope that you enjoy your flight with us today and we look forward to seeing you on board again soon. Take you for choosing us and have a good morning."

"Akin na yan Lei, ako na magdala." He said as he get her luggage.

She handed him her luggage.

"Thank you." She smiled and they walked outside the airport terminal.


They went to their respective hotel rooms, took some time to freshen up, and have their lunch at the restaurant in that hotel.

"Ang sarap ng food nila." Aga

"Yes it is, is your restaurant serving food as good as this?" She asked.

"Much better than this."

"Ops! that was a strong one. Akala ko liliparin ako ng hangin." She said while holding a grip on her seat.

"You must visit the resto and taste it yourself."

"May discount ba ako?" She asked and giggle.

"Discount? No. You can eat all you want for free."

"Aba galante naman pala ni Sir Aga! I'll take note that ha? All I want."

"Yes madame, Basta walang sisihan pag nagkabilbil ka ha?"

"Wow! Nahiya ako sa bilbil mo Sir ha?"

And they shared a good laugh while enjoying their lunch and luscious dessert.


"What the fuck is that excuse? Miscommunication? Really? Don't tell me we've traveled this far for nothing?" She's talking and complaining to Vice on the phone for almost fifteen minutes now.

"Lei hindi ko talaga alam, lahat ng instructions and information galing sakanila." Vice explained on the other line.

"So that's it? Okay. Thank you, bye." She ended the call and sighed.

Aga tapped her shoulder hoping that it will help to calm her down "Lei it's okay, we can't do anything to change what has already been done."

"No, it's not okay. Ang layo ng biyahe natin which is hindi naman pala needed, their inventory is held by a third party we can easily send a letter of confirmation to get what we need. But we're here! What a fucking waste of time, miscommunication their ass."

Aga on the hand still thinking of something that will make her calm down "You know what? Ice cream and a slice of cake are what we need now. C'mon, let's grab some, my treat!" He asked with his hopeful face.

"That's the best thing I've heard today." She answered now with a smile on her face.

It lightens his face too and offers his hand to her "So... Shall we?"

"We shall." She gladly accepted.


They enter a simple yet cozy place to have their sweet treat to make their bad day better. Lea ordered choco lava with vanilla ice cream go well with freshly brewed coffee, while Aga ordered red velvet with scarlet cupcake and vanilla ice cream. While enjoying their sweet desserts the song "If ever in your in my arms again" played which quite annoyed her.

"Ghad! That song...." She can't help but unconsciously let out that reaction.

He was about to take another bite of his cake when he heard her statement, so he put the spoon down and look at her "What's with that reaction? It's a good song Lei."

It startled her and then realization kicked her in that she let out those words not just in her thought. "Ha? Uhmmm. No-Nothing, ah ye-yeah that's... that's a good song." Why the hell I am stuttering... Lea ano ba?

He raised his brow while smiling to tease her "May hugot ka dyan noh? Does the song bring back the memories of you with someone in the past?"

"Ang chismoso mo rin noh?"

"Lei we have all the time now, c'mon share mo na. Ito naman para naman akong iba sayo niyan eh."

She knows that this man will not stop bugging her if she wouldn't tell him, so she conceded and started to share it with him. "It's just that, nakaka irita yung song. If ever you're in my arms again? Regrets are all that person can have but they will surely not reconcile what has been lost."

It clearly says that he regrets hurting her, and now all he can do is look back on the past. Realized how he took advantage of the love she gave him. It's just the day they separated he remembers how much she had done for him, wishing he had done the right thing and taken care of what he had and wishing she comes back to him again. Someday and somehow, maybe our paths will cross again.... and maybe by that time, her questions will be answered. Is she never enough? Why? Soon it will be answered, I don't know how and I don't know when... or maybe it is almost a miracle to happen.

"Auditors is such a monster in doing bank reconciliation, but doing reconciliation in real life is damn hard." He said.

"I somehow hope it can be that easy tho. But we both know that once nasira na yung trust natin. It's like returned damaged goods, we should not make any adjustments on that but it will be part of the loss." She answered and gave him a forced smile.

The pain she went through has been so deep that she feels she doesn't deserve and God is unfair to her for letting that happen to her. The pain that caused her to doubt whether God exists? Whether he cares or even loves her? It's tough... But she finds comfort in the fact that God sees and knows everything. She stop trying to fix her struggles and realized that her ability has limits only Him can do things limitless. She's stronger than she knows, like a mineral that needs to go through the fire to be pure.

He holds her hand and moves closer "Just always remember, I'm always here for you. No matter what happens you can count on me, Lei."

It made him appreciate Lea Irine more. She's gone through hell on earth and yet still smiles as though it never happened. She epitomizes strength. I hope she knows that she's a special adorable gem that he wants to take care of.


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