Chapter 21 - "It's a..."

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Cameron's POV

Nothing has really changed in the past two months, except for Sapphire's strange cravings and wacky mood swings.

Like one moment she can be all over me, then the next she acts like I'm the devil, and then she will be crying about how I don't give her any attention! Its terrifying and confusing!

Oh, and now she has a very prominent baby bump.

And I have to do twice as much laundry because she refuses to wear her own clothes.

Morgan is very excited to be a big sister.

Anyways, we are waiting for Chase and Courtney to get here so we can all go to the check-up together. I tried telling Sapphire that we didn't have to be together. She yelled at me. I shut up.

Sapphire and I are lounging on the couch, her sitting upright reading while I was laid out across the couch with my head in her lap. When I'm like this, I can hear the baby's heartbeat.

"You're gonna be a big bad alpha like your dad aren't you?" I whispered to the bump.

Sapphire giggled.

"She's going to be daddy's little girl." She responded.

"No, he's going to be a momma's boy." I kissed her stomach and she sighed, going back to her book.

Chase and Courtney arrived around 2 in the afternoon and we all left.

When we got to the hospital, Courtney and Chase went in first, then Sapphire and I.

We walked into the room to see a doctor, about 25-30, cleaning off the ultrasound machine.

Normally we would do our check-ups with the pack doctor but currently all of the pack doctors were at a meeting. So, we had to go to a normal human doctor.

He looked up, "Oh! You must be Sapphire and Cameron. I'm Dr. Jeffery Stevens, but you two can call me Jeff. What are you two in for?" He asked, shaking each of our hands.

"We're here for a check-up and hopefully find out if we are having a boy or girl." Sapphire said.

The doctor nodded and patted on the chair, "Hop up here and we can check."

Jeff grabbed the gel off the side table and rolled up the shirt that Sapphire was wearing. I had to fight back a growl at the image of another man touching my mate. Sapphire noticed this and grabbed my hand to comfort me. I relaxed at her touch but remained alert.

He squeezed the bottle and rubbed the strange gel over her bulging belly. He grabbed the ultrasound machine and rolled it over her tummy.

"It's a..." He started.

I wanted a boy, but I wasn't telling Sapphire that.

Sapphire really wanted another little girl.

Morgan really didn't care.

"Girl." He finished.

And at that moment, I didn't care what the gender was. I was going to protect that little girl with my life.

Sapphire squealed and the doctor wiped the gel off her belly. After the doctor got all of it off, she jumped up into my arms.

"Cam we're having a girl!" She yelled into my neck.

I laughed, "Let's go home so we can tell Stephen and the rest of the pack."

After thanking the doctor, we walked out of the room and met Courtney and Chase back at the pack house.

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