Chapter 5 - "I'm Ariel"

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Sapphire's POV

I woke up the next morning in a crisp white room and the events of last night came flooding back:

Getting caught.

Passing out.

The pain.

I shuddered and looked around the room, I noticed a small tray with eggs, bacon, toast, and some fruit on the table next to me. I grabbed the try and noticed a note underneath and read it.


When you wake up and see this note, I will be up in my office. I want you to come see me after you eat. To get to my office: go right when you leave the room and keep walking til you hit a staircase, go up the staircase and my office is the 5th room on the left.

Alpha Chase

I began eating the meal and moaned at the taste of my first real meal in goddess knows how long. I pondered what he might want to talk to me about as I ate.

I stood up and went to the bathroom, noticing a set of clothes and a towel. I smiled at the thought of a shower and stripped down before hopping in. I took a long, hot shower before getting dressed and heading to find Alpha Chase's office.

"1, 2, 3, 4, 5," I whispered to myself as I approached the door and knocked, hoping I had the right room.

"Come in," Chase's voice echoed from the other side. I pushed the door open.

Chase was sitting at a desk to the right side of the room and James was half-asleep on one of the two small sofas in the center of the room. However, his tall frame was not suited for the couch as only half his body was on it. Chase looked up from what he was working on and looked at me, then glanced over to James.

He pressed a finger to his lips signalling me to be quiet as he whipped a pen at James, hitting him square in the forehead. I held in a laugh as he fell off the couch in shock.

He shot up and yelled, "What the fuck, dude?" He said, pissed.

"I was too lazy walk over there and I figured throwing a pen would wake you up faster." Chase said, shrugging as if it was no big deal and turned to me.

"James and I have been talking and we've decided that we want you to join our pack."

If I had water in my mouth, I would have spit it all over them.

"Really?" I asked in disbelief.

"Really." James responded for Chase, as he nodded."

I thought it over and hesitated. Chase saw my hesitation and answered my unasked question, "No one will hurt you here, I promise."

I took a deep breath and answered, "Okay, I'll join your pack."

Chase smiled at me before turning to James, "Can you get one of the guest rooms near Ariel's room set up?" He nodded and left the room.

I saw his eyes glaze over as he was mind-linking someone before he turned back to me, "My little sister Ariel will be here in a few minutes, you guys will be going shopping so you can get some clothes. Oh, you'll be taking Stephen with you too."

I nodded as a small girl about my age with bright red hair and vibrant green eyes threw the door open.

"I'm Ariel," She said, smiling.

"Sapphire," I said nervously pulling on my shirt.

"We are gonna be best friends!" She yelled as she pulled me into a hug, I smiled at the thought of having a friend.

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