Chapter 8 - "It is Her."

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*Sapphire's POV*

"Remember the plan?" Ariel said when we were about an hour away.

"Yeah," I said nervously, while adjusting my dress.

Chase and James were leading in a midnight blue Audi r8 and the rest of us were coming in two large, black SUVs. The rest of the boys in one van and us in the other.

The plan is that they are all arriving at the same time and the girls and I were staying back, hidden behind trees, until Travis gives our cue, through mind-link.

Shortly after I am encompassed in the familiar scent of the pack I tried so hard to forget. I begin to fidget with the hem of the dress as I await the cue, as the boys have likely already arrived.

Okay, Saph, you can come. Travis said.

"Let's go show them the new you." Ana said, jumping up and down the best she could in her seat.

"Yeah," I mumbled back.

Cameron's POV

A pair of cars pulled into the pack driveway; I knew it was the White Claw pack. Two males, which I assumed were Alpha Chase and his Beta stepped out of the first car and three more males piled out of the second.

"Alpha Cameron I presume," The one I assumed to be Alpha Chase approached me, "I'm Alpha Chase Schmit of the White Claw pack." He said and shook my hand.

"And I'm James Allen, Beta." He said also shaking my hand, they were both very tense.

My assumptions were correct.

"Hello Alpha Chase, James, thank you both for coming." I nodded to Jesse, implying that he should introduce himself.

He took the hint and stuck his hand out, "Hello Alpha Cameron, Beta, I am Jesse Jacobs," I heard James inhale sharply at the name, "I am the Beta and next to me is my mate Marie." Chase shook his hand and James hesitated before shaking it as well.

Coming up behind me, Carson followed suit. "My name is Carson Martinez, I am the Third-in-command." They nodded at him.

Someone nudged my side, "Oh and this is my Luna, Courtney." Chase's eyes lit up when he heard Courtney's name, I pulled her closer.

Chase's eyes flashed with some emotion before he continued introducing who was with him. "To my left is Stephen, he guards my Third. In the middle is one of my best fighters Alex, and the last one is Travis. He is our head trainer alongside our Third."

"Your Third must be pretty important to deserve a guard, when will he be here?" Jesse asked

"She will be here in a minute." The one he called Travis spat, stressing she. The one next to him, Alex, nudged him.

Sure enough, right after he finished, a second van pulled up. A small girl blue hair ran up and wrapped her arms around James, "This is Caitlyn, my mate and Beta female." James introduced, kissing the top of her head.

Two other girls filed out, one with red hair stood beside Alex and the one with blonde hair wrapped her arms around Travis.

"The red head is my sister and temporary Alpha female Ariel and the other is Analyse." Chase said.

We all hesitated again.

"Where is your Third?" I questioned.

As I said that, a final girl stepped out of the van. I recognized her, but it couldn't be her. My wolf's attitude was telling me otherwise.

She walked confidently up to the door without a trace of emotion on her face. She looked absolutely stunning in a small blue dress that hugged every inch of her toned body. Her dirty blonde hair fell in light waves down to her waist. She approached us and Alpha Case wrapped an arm around her, making me fight the urge to growl at him.

"Introduce yourself, princess."

She turned to me with an emotionless face, "I'm Sapphire Jacobs, Third in Command of the White Claw pack."

It is her. My wolf whimpered in the back of my mind.

"Sapphire." Jesse breathed.

"Beta Jesse." She nodded coldly and looked to Carson, "Will you please take us to our rooms." He only nodded.

She walked past me, purposely hitting my side. Sparks. I opened my mouth to call for her, but Chase stole my attention by grabbing a fistful of my shirt.

"Don't even try, it'll just end up worse for you in the end."


Lots of changes here, you're welcome!

Another shortie but that's only because it was part of chapter 7 in the old book. However I decided to split them for the sake of the rewrite. 



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