Chapter 15 - "I Think I Want To"

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Sapphire's POV

Before heading down to get food, I went back into my room and straightened out my hair and changed out of my current outfit into a grey sweatshirt and dark wash ripped jeans.

Once I was presentable, I woke up Morgan.

"Morgan," I whispered, shaking her.

"Mhmm?" She mumbled, still sleeping.

"Time for some breakfast." I said, still shaking her.

Her eyes flew open and she jumped out of the bed, "Food!" She yelled.

I laughed at her reaction and brought her downstairs to meet everyone.

Ariel met me first in the kitchen, "Hi Morgan, I'm Ariel like the princess." She waved

Morgan shyly waved, I kneeled down in front of her, "What do you want to eat?"

"Pancakes and bacon." She said, excitedly.

I nodded, "I can do that." I picked her up and set her on one of the stools.

"What do you want to drink, Morgan?" Ariel asked.


I grabbed two cups from the cupboard, one small pink one for her and mug for me. I grabbed the milk from the refrigerator and filled up Morgan's cup.

"Thank you." She said.

"You're welcome." I said, putting my mug under the coffee machine. I grabbed the hazelnut cream and some milk and grabbed the now full mug. Putting the cream and milk in, I grabbed a straw and started drinking.

A few minutes later, everyone else came down. Ana and Caitlyn walked up to Morgan first. "Hi Morgan, I'm Ana and this is Caitlyn. We are friends of Sapphire."

"Hi!" She waved.

I handed her a plate of pancakes. "Here you go."

Morgan said thank you and started eating. I finished up the bacon and set two pieces on her plate. She began bouncing on her chair excitedly.

I giggled, "Do you like bacon?"

She nodded with her mouth full of bacon.

Once she finished her bacon the others introduced themselves.

Cameron started, "Hi Morgan, I'm your uncle, Cameron. I am your mommy's brother."

Courtney and Chase went next, "Hi I'm Courtney, and that's my boyfriend, Chase."

Then Alex, "I'm Alex, Ariel's boyfriend and Ana's brother."

Then James, "Hi, I'm James, Caitlyn's boyfriend

And finally, Steph and Carson. "I'm Carson and this is Steph."

Morgan waved, "Hi, my name is Morgan." She turned to me with wide eyes.

I got down to her height and whispered in my ear, "It's okay if you don't remember all their names."

We talked to everyone for a little while before Morgan had to go potty.

"Okay let's-"

"I'll take her." Cameron interrupted.

I nodded, "Morgan follow Uncle Cam, he'll bring you to the potty."

She nodded and followed Cameron out of the room.

We sat in quiet for a few minutes before Ariel spoke.

"You're really good with her." she said.

Caitlyn nodded, "You should adopt her."

Ana nodded also, "You and Cameron." She winked.

I looked at her confused, "What?"

"Oh, don't think we didn't see you and Cameron in the hallway, or hear you in his room for that matter." Caitlyn said, with a knowing smirk on her face.

"And there's the fact that Travis couldn't find you for training this morning." Ana added.

I blushed, "I'll think about it."

Then I heard Morgan's voice, "Uncle Cam, why is Saph's face all red?"

Everyone 'aw'ed at her and I just blushed more.

"I think it is because everyone is picking on her." Cameron said.

"Will you tell them to stop?" She asked, crossing her arms.

Cameron sighed dramatically, "Fine."

He turned to everyone and said, "Morgan wants you all to stop picking on Sapphire."

While he was saying that Morgan gave everyone puppy eyes.

I laughed, and motioned Morgan to come over to me.

"Hey Morgan, do you want to meet my brother, his wife, and their baby?"

She nodded, and turned to Cameron, "Carry me?"

He chuckled, and nodded, "Fine"

"Let's go."

We got to Jesse's room a few minutes later, I knocked on the door and heard Jesse say 'Come in.' I opened the door and saw Jesse bouncing Caden and Marie sitting on the bed with a laptop in her lap.

"Hi guys. This is Morgan, Morgan the big boy with the baby is Jesse, the baby is Caden and the girl is Marie."

She only waved and tried to wriggle from Cameron, he set her down and she ran to Jesse.

"Can I hold him? Pretty please!" She said with puppy eyes.

Jesse laughed at her enthusiasm, "You have to ask Marie."

Morgan turned to Marie and gave her the puppy eyes, "Pleaseee!" She begged.

Marie sighed and pretended to think, "hmm.. Okay."

She jumped up and down, "Thank you, thank you!"

I said, "Hop up next to Marie and Jesse will give you Caden."

She nodded and jumped onto the bed.

"Okay put your arms like this." Marie put her arms in front of her like a basket. Morgan copied.

Jesse, you can give Caden to her." She said, going back to her laptop.

Jesse nodded and carefully put Caden in Morgan's arms.

Cameron spoke up, "Hey Jesse, Marie, can you guys watch Morgan for a minute? I need to tell Sapphire something in private."

They nodded and I said, "Morgan you stay with those two, Uncle Cam and I need to go for a few minutes." She nodded and Cameron stepped out, me in suit. He led me to his office.

"I heard you and the girls talking about adopting Morgan."

"I think I want to, but if I do, I want you to help."

"Anything you need." He smiled, dropping the other topic.

We stood in silence before he pecked me on the cheek, "Let's go get Morgan."

I nodded. "Let's go." I said, grabbing his hand and interlocking fingers.

He smiled at me, and I returned it.


Another one down.

Also, I know some of you think there is a plot hole here with Crystal but there is not. Crystal was killed when they attacked the base to get Sapphire back, I will leave it up to yall to decided if someone killed her or if she killed herself.

Another note, I know it seems as though Morgan does not care that her mother is gone and I realized it was a little fairytale of me to ignore that thought. I will include some scene now in the rewrite to show how she feels.

Thanks for reading,


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