Chapter 7 - "We Should Help Them"

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*Sapphire's POV*

"Be quiet girls." I whispered to the three girls behind me.

It was currently 10 in the morning and Alex has yet to awaken, so we decided to see if the "put hand in warm water and make them pee" thing actually works. If it doesn't we have whipped cream and a feather as back up.

We quietly crept into the door that Ari left open for us. Alex was sprawled over the bed like a starfish. I walked up to him, carefully picking up his hand and slipping the small bowl of warm water underneath. I placed his hand into the water and within five minutes there was a wet stain on his light blue sheets. The girls and I choked back our laughter until we got into the kitchen. There we burst out laughing.

"Hey Ari, you can sleep in my room tonight if you want." I said, in-between laughs. She nodded.

10 minutes later; he still wasn't up. So, we found Stephen and asked him for his air horn, he reluctantly agreed.

We crept back into Ari and Alex's room and let the horn sound. Alex tried to get out of bed, keyword being tried. His feet were tangled in the blanket and he fell to the floor: face first.

The girls and I fell on the floor also, laughing our asses off. Alex got up and glared at us, but his glare softened when he looked at Ari. He came barreling toward us, but we were faster. Caitlyn, Ana, and I bolted out the door, leaving Ari in there to calm him down.

We left them alone and snuck downstairs to watch Pretty Little Liars. It's our favorite show.

We all decided which character each one of us is. I'm Spencer because I get into the most trouble. Ana is Aria because her mate is Travis, who is technically a teacher. Ari is Emily because she is the most sporty. Caitlyn is Hanna because her family went through a tough time, similar to how Hanna and her mom had money problems.

We got about half way through the episode, when Chase called me up to his office.

Hey, Saph, can you come up to my office? I've got something important to tell you. He asked through mind-link.

"Hey girls text me what we're at, Chase called me to his office." I told them, running up the stairs to Chase's office.

I invited myself in, per usual. "So Chasie, whatcha need me for?" I asked casually.

Chase looked at James, then back at me, worry written on his face. "Chase, what's going on?" I asked, pausing after each word.

Chase cleared his throat and said, "Alpha Cameron asked us for help, he's having rouge problems. I haven't agreed yet, for your sake."

I looked at him, no idea what expression was on my face. "What?" I said, with a small voice.

James spoke this time, "Alpha Cameron is having rouge problems and needs us for help, Chase wants to know if it's okay to help."

Every bone in my body screamed at me to say no.

But as my duty as Third, I knew saying no would bring more consequences. Not for me per say, but for the pack.

What if their pack gets killed?

What if we need help in a battle and they say no?

What if- I cut off my thoughts by reluctantly saying, "Yes."

James and Chase looked at me like I had grown a second head. "What?!"

Obviously they expected me to say no.

I sighed, "I said yes, we should help them."

Chase walked up to me and looked me in the eyes, searching for something, "You know we don't have to."

"But we should. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if something happened to my family because we said no. No matter what they did to me, they don't deserve that."

James nodded, "We will leave tomorrow. I will going to ask my dad to take care of the pack while we are gone. Obviously, James and Caitlyn will be coming as the Beta couple. You as Third and Stephen as well. Ariel and Alex will come along as well as Ariel is Alpha female until I find my mate. Then Travis will be coming with Ana because they asked us to help train."

I nodded in response, "Does everyone already know?"

His eyes glazed before he nodded, I sighed, "I'll go pack."

I kept my head down as I walked back to my room, resisting the urge to cry. I threw myself down on my bed and laid there with my thoughts.

I do not think I am ready for this.

*Cameron's POV* (Surprise)

"Thank you, Alpha Chase. My pack and I appreciate your help."

"I am going to need five rooms for all of the pack members I am bringing."

"Five?" I responded in shock. "Why so many?"

"One for myself, one for my Beta pair, one for my Third," He hesitated, "One for my trainer, and one for my sister and her mate. Since I have not found my mate, my sister has stepped up as temporary Alpha female."

"I will have the rooms ready for your arrival. I wish you safe travel tomorrow."

"Thank you, Alpha Cameron. We will see you and your pack then." He all but spat at me before ending the call.

I sighed and put the phone down.

"I wish we didn't need to do that." Jesse spoke from across my office.

"We have no choice at this point," I responded sadly, "We have lost too many pack members. Besides, White Claw is known for having the strongest warriors. We need it."

He nodded and left the room.

Alpha, we have two more patrols down. One of the pack members spoke in my mind.

Bring the bodies up to the pack house, inform the families, and make preparations for a funeral. I responded before slamming my head on the desk.

This needs to end.


Shorter chapter, I decided to split this chapter in half just for shits and giggles.

And I added Cameron's POV just for fun, we haven't heard from him in a while. 

I am sorry to those who didn't read the original and have no idea what I am talking about in these author's notes!

Thanks for reading,


Request: Rereaders please leave me comments on how you like the changes!! I am very curious! Even FTR please let me know what you think!

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