Chapter 20 - "I'M HOME!"

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Sapphire's POV

It's been a week since Courtney, Chase and the rest of White Claw left.

Also, it's been a week since my pregnancy lockdown started, rules too.

Rule 1: No leaving the pack house without 3+ gaurds.

Rule 2: Stay with Stephen and Carson at all times.

Rule 3: No junk food.

Rule 4: No excessive physical activity.

Rule 5: No attending meetings.

and many more.

If I would've known that Cameron was going to make this many rules, I wouldn't have told him.

On another note, tomorrow is my Luna Ceremony. I will officially get the title and it will be announced to the other packs. We are also going to announce to the pack that I am pregnant. Speaking of that, we only have four months to prepare.

Werewolf pregnancies are much shorter than the average human pregnancy. Werewolf pregnancies are typically six months, but since I have a baby with Alpha blood it is only four. So, currently I am only two weeks pregnant, but it looks like I am about a month along.

At the moment, Stephen and I are watching The Notebook while Carson makes lunch. Cameron is in a meeting and setting up for tomorrow. Which also reminds me that I need to call up Courtney so we can go shopping.

"Stephennnnnn," I whined, "can I use your phone to call Chase so I can talk to Courtney?"

Why don't I use my own phone? Because for some reason, Cameron decided one of my rules was that I wasn't allowed to have a phone.

"Ask Cameron." I groaned and prodded at Cameron's mind block until he let me in.

Can I use Stephen's phones to call Courtney?

Yes. He responded and put his block back up.

"Gimme," I held my hand out for the phone.

He gave it to me, and I FaceTimed Chase. He picked up on the second ring.

"COURTNEY, SAPPHIRE'S ON THE PHONE" He yelled from his office.

"Dude, yelling necessary?" I asked.

"Yup." He said back.

He then handed the phone over to Courtney, kissing her on the cheek, Steph and I both screamed "PDA!" at the same time.

Courtney ignored us and brought the phone over to the kitchen.

"So, whatcha calling 'bout?"

"We need dresses for our ceremonies tomorrow." I stated bluntly.

"True, true." She paused, "GIRLS." She yelled.

"What the fuck is up with everyone yelling today?" Steph groaned.

I just shrugged and soon all the girls filled up the tiny phone's screen.

"Girls, we need to find a way to talk Cameron and Chase into bringing Courtney and I dress shopping." I said.

They all nodded, "Because we want to go together." Courtney said.

They nodded again. "We got Chase handled, think you can get Cameron?" Cat asked.

"I think guys just need to stay on the phone."

I mind-linked Cameron to get his butt out here.

"Cameron, can we go shopping with Courtney, Chase and the girls to get dresses for our Luna Ceremonies?" I said, with my irresistible puppy eyes.

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