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As the story ended. I, now, seek your opinions about this story. Please give your reviews using the following points-

1)Story plot

2)Writing style



5)Any advice

Was the length of my updates okay? Should it have been more long or short or it was moderate?

I hope the chapters were not too long to bore anyone.😅


Fun zone...

Answers the following questions..(My answers already in bold🙃 I wanna hear yours)

What did you like the most in this story?
-Sisters' bond.

Your favourite character?

Whom you hated the most throughout the story?

The thing you want to change in the plot?
-Sneha confides in her mother much earlier.

The best moment in the story?
-The time when Radhika hugs Sneha in the hospital.

The character whom you could relate the most?

Which character did you pity the most?
-Sneha and Maya

Fun fact:

1)The moment when Vivaan asked Radhika to give him six months time for his wait for Sneha. When I wrote that part, Trust me, according to me, he meant he needed answers before moving on...But my/his lack of words was miscalculated by Radhika as well as the readers. When I saw the comments, I knew I messed it and neither could justify him nor modify those words...since it was not ethical and many have already read the update.😅😅

(I have revised that scene a few weeks ago. New readers will not understand it.)

2)Many commented that Vikram is better for Radhika. Even I can't agree more. He was a much better and sensible person.

Still I always have a soft corner for Vivaan in my heart. He has been portrayed as I always want my better half to be...He had been a bit immature and also had many flaws yet he has always been an honest, trustworthy, caring and a very good person.❤️🙈

3)I never had thought to develop and justify Savitri's character to this extent. Whenever I used to describe Savitri, it felt I was trying to write about a part of myself. There were so many thoughts to be written, still how much I try it was never complete to describe this lady as per my satisfaction. And yes, I strongly believe she was never a villian of the story but a victim of her rigid ideologies and beliefs that had unknowingly imprisoned her to see where everyone's happiness lied.

4)Vikram was also never planned but later I realised, but without his presence, it will be very easy to guess the villain. Thus he made an entry.

5)Office drama was also never planned. The plot was always supposed to be around the couple.

6)I never wanted romantic scenes between Vivaan-Radhika. Even many times, I had commented that they will never fall in love. But as the story proceeded to its end. I started having second thoughts about Radhika's death. Thus I mentioned their ongoing love life, as it doesn't look aloof if I really had changed the end.🤭

7)I had never planned their fathers' accident. The real plot was something cliche. At the last moment, I had changed a bit of plan and thus may be at the degree, you might have thought Radhika's reactions in that NGO wala chapter a bit dramatic.

8)Around 40% of the total characters of this story are dead.

9)While writing the last scene of the epilogue...A sudden idea to make Vivaan jump off the cliff, popped in my head. I actually thought to continue this plan for a while.🤣🤣

You might think after reading it that most of the things were unplanned.🤣🤣

Then you are not wrong...

Maybe or may not be...How I planned the story two years ago is completely different from this version. With time, the plot was refined and now I am very content to see this improvised version.

I even noticed the major difference in my writing style as compared to the initial chapters of the story.😊

There are still several miles to achieve. Hopefully, I shall rework on the story towards for better advancement in future and simultaneously start fresh stories that would keep me delighted and you all entertained.😉😆

Thank you❤

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