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I squinted as the glimmering light reflected off Kavya's collection of shimmery dresses. "My eyes hurt just looking at all this shine," I exclaimed dramatically.

Kavya, engrossed in her makeup, barely registered my comment. "But who will make our girl understand that not everything that glitters is gold?" I said loudly, hoping to catch her attention.

"What?" Kavya finally looked up, confused.

I groaned inwardly. Kavya had insisted on celebrating our exams being over, and I was trying to come up with an excuse to avoid it. But every excuse had failed, and now I was stuck critiquing Kavya's wardrobe choices to delay the inevitable.

"Just look in your wardrobe, and you'll know," I muttered under my breath.

Kavya caught my remark and shot back, "Dare you say a word against my beautiful choices. They're more elegant and classy than anything you have."

I winced, knowing she was right, but admitting it would be admitting defeat. "Yeah, tell yourself that if it makes your big fat ego feel good," I retorted with a half-smile.

Kavya marched over to her closet and rummaged through her clothes. After a few minutes, she handed me a black tunic and golden skirt. "Wear this," she said firmly.

After reluctantly accepting one of Kavya's dresses, I found myself standing in front of her with a makeup kit in her hands. "Kavya, please don't go overboard with the makeup," I begged.

"Don't worry, I know what I'm doing," Kavya replied confidently.

"You're going to look amazing."

Kavya was meticulously applying makeup to my face as I waited with anticipation. "What are you doing to me?" I asked, with a hint of concern in my voice.

"Relax, Radhika. I am going to make you look stunning. You will be sinfully sexy tonight," she said with a wink.

I sat patiently as she applied various products to my face. After thirty minutes of work, Kavya announced that she was done. I slowly turned to face the mirror, unsure of what I would see.

The reflection that stared back at me was nothing like the girl I knew. I was in awe. "Wow, Kavya! I look incredible. You're a true artist."

Kavya beamed with pride. "You look amazing, Radhika. You'll be the belle of the ball tonight."


We entered a club in the posh area of the city. The music was so loud that it was vibrating the walls. People were enjoying themselves, dancing in the center of the hall, chatting at the sides, and lounging around. The smell of cigarettes and alcohol filled the air.

As I turned to Kavya, I found her eyes on a guy on the dance floor, smiling. At least someone was happy being here.

"Radha, wait for me. I will be right back," she said before disappearing into the crowd.

I sighed. I came here just for her, and now she was nowhere to be found. I walked to the bar, ordering a lemonade. I took a seat and observed the club's infrastructure.

The psychedelic art on the walls was amazing. It had a surreal quality to it, and the lighting made it even more captivating. It was like being transported to another dimension.

Their Imperfect LoveHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin