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Vivaan after parking his car entered the resort premises and headed towards the reception desk.

As luck was not his side that day, Vikram was also present in the lobby. One thing he was sure about that was Vikram was his foe and thus should never come to know much about his personal life.

He turned looked towards the pictures present on the walls as if they held something very interesting for time to pass. But in reality, he was counting every second for his rival to get disappeared, making his coast hurdle free. In no way, he was going to agree to her demand for sharing a room. It was definitely beyond his tolerance limit.

As Vikram left with his room's keys, Vivaan approached the reception desk, accepting a warm welcoming smile from the lady.

"How can I help you, sir?"

"Book a room."

"Sure." She passed him a smile at turned her gaze at the screen of the computer.

"Sir, your name?"

"Vivaan Bharadwaj" With this name, her relaxed composure turned into a horrified one in a mili second. She turned her head towards her colleague who was a few minutes ago assisting Vikram. They shared the concern with eyes remembering the crazy woman, they met before.

But she quickly composed herself and looked at him, passing a sad smile.

"Sir, we are sorry. All rooms are already booked."

"What the hell! Just now you gave the other person a room but at my turn - all the rooms magically got occupied." Vivian couldn't believe his bad fortune.

"That was the last room unbooked. We are really sorry."

Suddenly a chuckle was heard. Vivaan turned back only to find the most doomed face of the world.

"Grow up man. You are still behaving like a child, feeling all jealous. Just admit I have a bit of better luck. But don't worry, this time it is just a room, next time, it will be your everything. And it will not be a coincidence at that time." He smirked at him.

"But what confuses me more is the need for a new room when one is already booked under your wife's name. An interesting sleeping preference of a weird couple."

Vivaan fisted his hands in anger. What he saw now was all red.

"That is for my driver."

"Who never came here." Who was he to interfere in his life? Moron.

"You are asking for it."

Vivaan grabbed his collar at a lightning speed, raising his fist to punch his face but there was no trace of fear on his face. He actually gave a crooked smile.

"I am not scared of you, baboon." He took a step forward, letting go of his jolly side.

"Now.. Now...It is not allowed here. If there are issues to solve, go outside this premise." The lady whom Radhika confronted, analysing the heated argument decided to intertwine.

"I don't, this loser has," Vikram said with an accusing gaze at Vivaan.

"Wait I will tell who is the loser here." Vivaan took a long stride to recover the distance but before he could come in action the lady came in between, pressing her palm against his chest to check him from creating any nuisance.

"Sir, please stop it or we will be obliged to call the police." Vikram gave him a smirk which soon turned into a smile when the lady's face came in front. Wiping invisible dust off his blazer, he went away.

As soon as he went out of sight, Vivaan took a long sigh which he was unknowingly holding for long.

Vivaan also turned toward the exit in search of another resort. Seeing his retreating body, the lady panicked. She definitely had to do something for the reconciliation of the couple. She hurried to catch up with his pace.

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