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Aruna kept the dish on the table angrily and left the room, not before sending a glare at her direction.

As soon as she left, Savitri's chilled out body trembled. She shakingly settled on a chair adjacent to the table. She brought her shivering hands and concealed her miserable face behind them.

The word 'fail' was continuously reiterated in her mind and she couldn't hold her emotions and finally let those profuse tears ebb with muffled wails.

She cried for herself, the disdain she faced today, for her daughters and her family that was maybe now scattered solely because of her. But still, she couldn't understand how and when she went wrong. Where did she commit a mistake?

It could have never mattered, if a stranger had said such words but hearing them from a person close to her heart, was exuding her attitude.

"Badi maa are you alright?"

Maya said in a gentle tone as she resisted her hand on her shoulder. Savitri quickly wiped her tears and give a slight nod, looking away.

Maya silently seized a seat, dragging a spare chair towards her. She supportively put her right palm above her wrinkled ones that were joined then and pressed them with a little assure.

On the other hand, Savitri's nonchalant gaze was fixed on the wall which time to time were turning blurred with tears.

They sat there in silence for minutes. The only sounds that could be heard were of Savitri's deep breaths and stifled wails while Maya could only glance her sympathetically.

"W..wha..t s..he..e _"

She tried to hold herself and turn towards Maya trying to narrate the happenings. Savitri had never been a person who would share her problems with anyone or maybe the reason behind her confining today was she had never ever felt this much weak.

Maya took a deep sigh, caressing her head supportively with an initiative to ease her down.

"It's okay....she was very angry, thus such lethal words escaped her mouth. I promise she never meant it."

Savitri furiously shook her head in denial with her closed eyes and her lips remained pressed together, withstanding the inner anguish.

"People only say the actuality in anger."

Maya had turned speechless with no proper excuse then. A long uncomfortable silence encircled them. Maya was never good in consoling someone but who needed it. Savitri has always been a mentally strong lady. After shedding a few tears, she soon composed herself but remained extremely quite with her lowered head.

"I just received primary education. When I attained 14years of age, my father married me off. It is not like I am complaining. Arun Ji is indeed a good spouse."

On his mention, the corner of her mouth quirked up and noticing the slight change on her face except emotion of grief, thus Maya passed a revived smile with encouragement for continuing her talks.

"I never complained about anything. I am happy, doubtless very satisfied. Since that moment this now, the only thing I have ever taken pride in the good maintenance of this home, your all parenting and upbringing. These are the only things I knew and have ever taken pride in ever. But today..."

A thin line appeared on her forehead and she desperately turned her glace at Maya for answers.

"How did I fail? When? And why?"

Even now Maya didn't have an answer to her questions. Where did Savitri actually go wrong? Was it when she didn't want to share her sole right of decision making for the family with Aruna or when she, in sheer anger tossed her both sisters outside? Or when everyone should have long forgotten and forgiven the past, she still was carrying it as a burden to the wound of her bruised ego.

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