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I am really sorry. I had mentioned uploading the chapter on this Thursday only. But on the next day of the previous update, I received a notification about an exam that was supposed to take place after two days. (on 23rd Sept)

So my every schedule got disarrayed...😅😅

And Akshay Kapadia is Vivaan's best friend.🙄

In the next A/N, I have mentioned his involvement in brief...Only after reading it completely, go there.😐

And please don't hate me at the end...🥱 #peace

🔺Caution: The scenes below are too dramatic and quite filmy. 😆😅

And I haven't even read it twice to check the errors, kindly let me know because there must be plenty below.🤣



"Choti we must go...This is actually a very bad idea."

Sneha nudged her terrifyingly as she meekly analysed the surrounding with a hesitated nervous gaze where Akshay was supposed to come almost half an hour before. Nevertheless, she was being ignored completely.

They were on a cliff situated around 75kms distance from the commotion of Mayanagri.

The cold breezes blew amidst the enhanced lush view of the surrounding due to recent raining. The sun was near its horizon, providing a pleasant look of beautiful colour in the sky. The birds were flying in the sky and even their chirping could be heard among the branches of the trees around, where a few of them were settled for a transient rest. It would turn totally dark in an hour or two.

But the emotions the sisters felt now was anything but peace, despite such smoothening scenery. Even though Radhika was neither mentioning nor showing her serious suspicions but she too felt uneasy, anticipating his move this evening. She felt it was a do or die situation for herself.

Sneha's concerned gaze noticed Radhika who had been letting all her anger out at the commissioner for the carelessness in security from their side days ago and plotting the next plan with a warning of no blunder.

It was understood that Akshay didn't even care about the courts and its proceedings now. He had realized his case was already too weak to handle.

Thus he had decided to do as much as destruction he could to do her family before he could get any legal punishment. Anyone could sense it.

And here Radhika's sheer anger made her present herself to him in a silver platter voluntarily. She huffed at her oblivion.

After a few more minutes of furious discussion, Radhika cut the call and heave a sigh in frustration, running her fingers in her hair with closed eyes and prominent thin lines of anxiety on her forehead.

Sneha took this silence as an opportunity to again make her understand how childish she was being. Being an elder, she had to make her understand what a stupid game she was trying to play whose end could only be death.

If he got any idea about it, he must not leave any second to end her life. Well, either way too, the possibility of returning home safely from here was almost nil. She didn't care about herself but her. She had known him for years. He was very dangerous and destructive.

"Please return. Despite his notoriety, you are doing it. He might use this chance to...." Sneha tugged Radhika's right hand in hers and implored once more to change her mind before his arrival. She looked at her fearful face and took a deep sigh. Radhika kept her freed left hand on their joined ones assuringly with a smile.

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