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  Oikawa was walking down the hall headed to Iwa-chan, when he spotted Iwa-chan he then smiled widely, "Iwa-chan" but his smiled disappeared when Iwa-chan looked at him angrily.

 "Iwa-chan are you fine?" he said walking to him. "Did you call Y/n-chan Poo Butt again?" Iwa-chan asked. "Well it was last night and just now" he replied.

  Then Iwa-chan face palmed himself. "Did someone overheard you two during those times?" Iwa-chan asked. "Uh last night, I think, No then when we talk just now it was outside the girls bathroom." he explained.

  "That's why" Iwa-chan mumbled, "What?" Oikawa asked. "Well Kuroo told me that Sakura and Y/N had a fight earlier" Iwa-chan told Oikawa. "Eh? Why?" Oikawa asked.

  "Duh, Assykawa Sakura heard your conversation at the girls bathroom earlier then started picking up on Y/n" Iwa-chan said. "I-Is Y/n-chan Ok?" he asked worried.

  "Yeah, Hinata, Bokuto, and Kuroo was there to comfort her" Iwa-chan said. 

 'Ugh This is all my fault!'

  Oikawa mumbled in his thoughts. "Im going to the boys bathroom" Oikawa said. Then Iwa-chan frowned at him. "You better not do something stupid. "Dont worry Iwaizumi, I wont" Oikawa replied which made Iwa-chan nervous cause he knew he was truly angry.

'When Oikawa is angry he calls my name without the initial '-chan, but theres nothing I can do about it when he's angry, I hope he doesnt go too far'

  Iwa-chan said to himself. 


 Oikawa was walking fast as if he was looking for someone. Then when he passed an intersection he saw someone in the corner of his eyes then he turned back and saw two girls laughing.

 "Oh, Oikawa!" Sakura greeted. Oikawa then smiled FAKELY without Sakura noticing it. "Oh Hi,Sakura and Lana" Oikawa greeted. "Lana-chan mind if you leave me alone with Sakura?" Oikawa asked. 

  "No, uh besides I have something to do,Bye!" Lana said  then she went off when Lana was not to be seen Oikawa put on his angry face. "So, Oikaw-" before Sakura could speak Oikawa cut her off.

  "What the fucks wrong with you?" Oikawa said angrily which made Sakura flinch in fear. "W-what are you sayi-" once again he cut her words off.

  "Dont act innocent whore" Oikawa said with a deep scary voice. Then Sakura started tearing up hoping Oikawa would calm down even for a bit.

  "Stop acting all fucking innocent and cute cause your an eyesore" he said insulting Sakura not caring for a bit.

  "You like her dont you?" Sakura asked talking about you. "And what if I do? And what does it have to do with you?!" he said in anger and raised his hands to slap Sakura but a hand stopped his wrists from hurting the girl.

  Looking at who the person was his anger faded in just a sec and his heart started beating fast. 

  "I know she did something wrong but its not right" the person said. "Im sorry" Oikawa said, then Sakura was left in shock.

 "Im going now" Oikawa said then ran out of the place.

  "Im sorry" Sakura said.

  "Dont worry Im not gonna take him away from you" She added.



Aysly-chan: He put ma name in yellow hearts~

R E W I N D  || Season 1 Oikawa X ReaderKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat