Anner walks back into the living room Dec 2 

Anner stares at the ground Dec 2 

Derrick looks back at Andrea. "Lilly talked to me about it. Gracie's lost her memory. Something about Post Traumatic Stress disorder or something like that..." 13:38 

Gracie goes over and takes her glass from Derrick, grinning at him. "Thanks for the milk!" 13:39 

Andrea: How do we get her back to normal? 13:39 

Derrick shrugs. "We just wait for her to remember, I guess. Eventually, something's gotta just trigger her memories." 13:40 

Gracie: Do I smell cookies? 13:40 

Brendan: Yeah. I was baking some... 13:40 

Andrea: Great, another 10 year old in the house.. 13:40 

Gracie glances at Andrea. "I'm nineteen, not ten... At least, that's what Derrick said..." 13:41 

Gracie sips her milk. 13:41 

Andrea: Well you think you're 10 13:41 

Brendan glances over at Anna. "Hey, stalker girl." 13:42 

Anner jumps when she hears her name 13:42 

Anner: What 13:42 

Anner looks around wondering how she got here 13:42 

Lilly joined the chat 13:42 

Anner: (Heyyyyy Lilly!) 13:43 

Gracie shakes her head. "I don't think I am... That's just the last I remember happening... Other than waking up in that bathtub with glass and Lilly fixing my cuts... I mean, I'm in a body with boobs now, so either something magical happened or I really did forget nine years of my life..." 13:43 

Gracie shrugs and drinks the rest of her milk. 13:43 

Lilly: (Where are you guys?) 13:44 

Anner: (Living room) 13:44 

Andrea laughs a bit "I'm sure you'll remember soon." 13:44 

Brendan wonders if he or Chris can do something to help Gracie since they are apart of her past... 13:44 

Lilly walks into the living room as a puma 13:44 

Anner jumps when she sees a puma and flies to the ceiling 13:44 

Anner remembers it Lilly 13:45 

Anner: Woooooo 13:45 

Anner flies down slowly 13:45 

Lilly waves to Anna 13:46 

Brendan: So, Gracie, want some cookies to go with that milk? They're probably cooled by now. 13:47 

Gracie nods. "I can't get over how cool you look as a grown-up... This is so awesome!" 13:47 

Brendan: I'm not a grown-up... I'm only twenty... 13:47 

Anner waves at Lilly 13:47 

Gracie: That's so old though! 13:47 

Brendan rolls his eyes and goes into the kitchen. 13:48 

Anner walks upstairs 13:48 

Gracie sits down by Andrea. 13:48 

Andrea laughs "Brendan is old!!!" 13:48 

Derrick goes over and sits with them too. 13:48 

Anner goes and locks herself into her room 13:48 

In the MansionsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora