Oliver x Fukase

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Oliver x Depressed!Fukase / Angst / Requested by: @TwoSet40Hrs 

Seems like everyday became dark and murky in the school hallways as Fukase walked to class. Not like he cared anyways, he was going to eventually excuse himself to cry in the bathrooms. 

Depression weighed him down nowadays. The downfall of the singing career caused his parents to disgrace him and resent him presence in their house. His grades dropped tremendously and he even skipped class when he could. Right now, he dropped him books on his desk and put his head down, wanting the day to end.

20 minutes into the first class and Fukase dreadfully raised his hand, not even paying attention if the teacher allowed him to. He got up from his seat and walked to the door. 

The skies were cloudy today and the halls were cold. Fukase walked to the nearest restroom, and as he opened the door and smaller blonde boy opened it from the inside.

"Oh sorry!" The boy apologized, before hurrying off.

Maybe it was the way to boy spoke, or his hair, or eyes, that made Fukase feel a wisp of surprise. Which is strange, having depression make everything seems like nothing. This boy made him feel nervous and happy somehow. For a moment he forgot everything going on.

But the boy left as quickly as he came. The moment of sunshine left and Fukase was left in the dark again.

Forgetting what he came to do, Fukase walked back to his class, more motivated to do something.


Fukase started seeing the boy more around school. The cafeteria, the field, and even the music room. He intruded his thoughts, which distracted him from depression.

Soon, he was writing another song. 

Jotting down a melody, thinking of lyrics as they popped into his head. Many months later after the song was released Fukase started seeing the downside of having a "crush". 

Now he knew he would never confess. He didn't even know this boy's name.

Fukase didn't have the confidence to step up.

He couldn't do anything. 

He was hopelessly crushing on a boy he ran into once.

The song was a success, but Fukase's parents pressured him into more songs, more production, and now the depression came back. 

It haunted him. His parents refuse to let him go to therapy. The depression weighed on his shoulders like a monster. 

Seeing the boy, his name might've been Oliver, only made him dread these terrible feelings. It was hopeless.

On different circumstances, maybe he would've approached Oliver to say hello. 

Maybe they would've been friends. 

Been they were nothing but strangers. 

The next year Fukase and Oliver were at the same school again, and Fukase's crush dragged on for another slow year, but he was able to get his parent's permission for therapy through other vocaloids' reasoning. He was healing, but very slowly. 

By the time the next year came, Fukase mustered enough confidence to say a simple "hello". And it kept going, turning into a blossoming friendship.

Fukase thought it was a good idea until he realized the downside. Ruin his friendship for a confession or just say nothing?

It hurt. The doubt clings to his mind when he talks to Oliver. But Fukase found a reason to confess.

But by the time Fukase was ready, he was gone. 

Oliver left the school early, for personal matters and Fukase didn't see him again. He waited too long.

Fukase was moving to another school next year, so he won't see Oliver again. Maybe he will see him in town, but it was a large city.

Fukase never knew of the feelings that Oliver had for him. All because they both waited too long. 

I don't write angsty oneshots because they normally come out really cringey, but I hope this is to your liking.

It's a really dramatic oneshot actually. 

If I haven't replied to your request yet, please be patient! I'm starting to write again and until I finish the request waiting before I closed requests, then I'll get to yours!

Have a good day and stay safe!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2020 ⏰

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