Riliane x Reader

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Riliane: 13 years old, not the queen yet
Warning: Very bad oneshot please don't kill me with the real facts
Your POV
I was walking on the shore when a familiar horse pulled up to me.
"Y/n!" Princess Riliane said as she got off her horse, Josephine. She ran towards me crying, and hugged me for the first time. Heat rose to my face.
"My mother- she-" Riliane burst into tears when mentioning her late mother.
Queen Anne passed away today. The whole Lucifenia country is mourning her.
"It's okay... It'll be okay..." I said, trying to comfort her. Unlike her, she cried into my shoulder, instead of calling me a "dirty peasant".
2nd person (sorry)
You see, I'm her only friend that's not a rich dictator. I don't know how, I just know her.
"She's gone y/n..." she sniffed looking up at you with gorgeous blue eyes-
Wait! I don't have feelings for her do I? We can't be together anyway...
You wiped her tears and took a walk with her. That's the last you've seen of Riliane Lucifen d'Autriche since then.
She's 14, princess of Lucifenia, and has a new servant, Allen. You knew him for a while since you used to talk every week or so. You knew Allen and Riliane we're twins, and Allen was the "dead" Alexiel. It's obvious to you anyway. Even when Elluka Clockworker, THE Elluka Clockworker tried convincing everyone, you didn't fall for it. Allen doesn't know you know anyways.
Then, you were a new servant/maid for the castle. Days were hard, but you got to talk to Allen and Charlotte.
"Allen, Riliane seems to like you a lot," you pointed out one day. You were both sitting in the empty hallway, exhausted.
"Yeah..." he answered, out of breath.
Just then, Riliane walked up to you.
"Allen, I'm going to speak with y/n," she said as she took you by the arm to outside her own room.
"I know you."
"I've seen you before, at the shore. We've talked before-" Riliane was cut off.
"I have something to tell you."
You were curious. Your long time crush on Riliane hasn't faded, but this had nothing to do with it. After all, she liked Prince Kyle.
"I- I..."
She looked at you,
"I liked you.... for a while..." she mumbled.
Wait. Riliane, the princess of Lucifenia, likes you?! Wait. Liked you.
"You liked me?" You asked her.
"Yes... but I like Kyle now. I just told you now because...."
She sighed.
"I was going to tell you the last time we talked, but then..."
"It's alright."
Riliane dismissed you, and well, you could what happened next.
1 year later...
You were tired, hungry, and injured. You fell down a cliff, and survived.
When Riliane was beheaded, you ran, never noticed the cliff and fell.
You were heartbroken. Although you saw someone running off, who looked like Allen, you knew it wasn't him. And you knew Riliane was captured.
You neared a shore, and people.
You couldn't walk to them, instead, your body gave way and you collapsed. Luckily the 2 women heard you.
"Clarith!" Was all you heard. Wait a minute, she sounds so familiar...

You woke up in an unfamiliar room, and you were bandaged and in a bed. There were clothes for you to change into, a simple white shirt and brown pants. You walked into what seemed to be the main room, where two women- the same from earlier- were chatting.
"Oh, you're awake. How are you feeling?" The woman with white hair said.
"I'm sore, but I'm okay. Thank you for helping me."
"No problem, but it was Rin who noticed you."
The girl next to her had long, blonde hair and familiar blue eyes. She gasped at the sight of you.
"Clarith, I'm going to talk to uh..."
"Y/n." You said, and walked off to the shore with Rin.
"Y/n... I haven't seen you for so long," she said.
"Shush! They don't know who I really am." She choked on the last part.
"Wait... Allen..."
You were hit with shock when you realized they switched places and Allen died for her.
"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! I'm a terrible person y/n!" Riliane yelled as she gripped your shirt and cried.
"Hey... it's fine...." you said gently. (Everything is not fine y/n.)
You hugged her for a few moments until she spoke.
"Y/n... I lied to you when I told you I liked you..." she said, shyly. You were panicking.
"What is it?" You said.
"I still love you..." she confessed.
You were blushing as she kissed you. You kissed back, but the moment only lasted until Clarith called for her.
"I'll talk to you later y/n..." she said. She quickly ran off to Clarith. What a day.

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