21: Elizabeth's Crush

Start from the beginning

Elizabeth gasped as she realized, "Oh no," she put her hand over her mouth. Elizabeth had a crush on Leo. She liked him. Elizabeth lightly slapped her cheek, "You can't do it," she whispered. Her heart started to pound in her chest – what was she doing? How can determine if she likes someone or not by just one kiss? She shook her head, "No," she whispered to herself. She leaned into the mirror and pointed her finger herself, "You are not supposed to fall for that jerk. He is a good kisser – sure, but nothing other than that. He treats you bad – or does he?" She questioned herself before shaking her head, "No, no matter what – don't fall for him. No, Elizabeth – no!" she tried to convince herself. She took a deep breath and curled her hands into a fist before resting them on her hipbone – she stared into the mirror with her eyebrows knitted together. After a few seconds, she sighed and frowned, "You are so screwed, Elizabeth." She mumbled.

It was difficult to sleep that night for Elizabeth – she couldn't stop thinking about how she feels about Leo – honestly, she was a little confused. Maybe she is just fascinated by his kiss – that's all. Maybe she is just thinking too much – she doesn't have any stupid crush on him. She was trying to convince herself and up to some level she did. She took a shower and changed into a black blouse and pants before taking her belongings and head to work – she has to eat something and have coffee before she reaches work. She didn't have much time left so she hurriedly walked out and locked the door when she heard a door closed – the silence and the scent he always used was enough to tell her that he was standing behind her. All the feelings she had for him were still in her head – his betray is still fresh. She cannot always hide from him – especially when he lives next door. She took a deep breath and slowly turned around to see him standing in a suit – he was already looking at her, "Hey," he smiled.

How dare he smiled at her alike never hurt her or cheated on her. Elizabeth didn't return the gesture and without greeting him back she walked towards the elevator. "Lizzy, wait –" Elizabeth halted when he called her Lizzy. She closed her eyes briefly before turning around, "Elizabeth – it is Elizabeth," She said to him. Freddie still looked the same to her – nothing changed in him – the only thing changed was that he was not hers – he was engaged to someone else – probably to the girl he cheated her on with. Freddie averted his eyes to the floor and sighed. Elizabeth rolled her eyes and turned back around to walk away from him. "Elizabeth, I am sorry," She heard him. She couldn't help by a chuckle at his words. She once again turned around, "No, you are not. You never were." She said. "You are just scared," She pointed it out for him.

Fred knitted his eyebrows together before shaking his head, "No, I am sorry – I did you wrong. I didn't treat you as I promised. I shouldn't have – cheated on you. I am not scared to accept my mistake." He spoke. Elizabeth sniggered, "So, does your fiancée know about me?" She asked him. Fred didn't answer – he just looked away. Elizabeth chuckled bitterly, "Actually, I should be thanking you. You saved me from yourself. You were never loyal to me neither can you were be – so, Thank you so much. I consider myself lucky – I wish I could say the same about Jennifer," She spat. When she didn't get a reply from him she turned around and call the elevator.

"I love Jennifer," He spoke after a long pause. When Elizabeth didn't react or say anything – he continued, "She is here for me – always. I am sorry, Elizabeth, but you never were. The truth is – you never cared for me. I sometimes felt like a toy for you. All you could care about was yourself. Your career, your family, your friends – it was just you. There was never me. If you feel good by blaming me – then be it. Please know this – I would have been with you if you only have one thing – your presence. That's the difference between you and Jennifer – she is always present for me – you were never." Fred replied. He didn't spat it out or yelled at her – he simply gave her the dose of what at some level was true, but she could see his guilt behind it as well. She gulped and stood still before turning her head to him, "Did you cheat on me with Jennifer?" She asked him. The pause was enough to answer her question, but she still waits for him to reply. He finally sighed and shook his head, "No, but I do love Jennifer." He said.

Just a few seconds later the elevator arrived and she stepped in – controlling her emotions. She pressed the button to hold the elevator, "I am not sorry for not entertaining you with my presence. This world doesn't revolve around you, Fred. Instead of talking to me – you went for cheating. You didn't want me – you wanted sex and I am glad I didn't satisfy your sexual needs as much as Jennifer or that other girl might have done. I never wanted a whore in my life," she spoke calmly when she was raging inside and let the button go so that the elevator could go to the underground parking area and lifted her gaze to look at him standing at the other side of the elevator.

As soon as the elevator started to move Elizabeth released the breath she was holding and put her hand over her chest. She gulped as a tear fell from her eye. She felt like her throat was clotting. She sniffed and wiped the teary cheek. She once felt sorry for Jennifer. She never wants another girl to feel what she was feeling. Fred knew about her family issues yet he complained about them – maybe she is too much of a trouble to be with anyone. She walked to her car and unlocked it before she got in and did something she rarely does – she cried.

She decided to skip breakfast since she wasted enough time in the car crying. She would just have some coffee at work. She parked the car exactly where it was parked last night – exactly where Leo pulled her in and kissed her. Elizabeth wasn't feeling as impassioned as she was this morning before she met Fred, but the tingly feeling was still there. She sighed and glanced herself in the rare view mirror before she stepped out of her car. She cleared her throat and straightened her pants before she walked into her office. All she has to do is avoid thinking about Leo or Fred to have a normal day – maybe if she will bury herself in work today – she might be able to get her mind of them.

Thankfully, Mosa was back to his friendly self today – she likes the guy. He can make her work fun and easy with his jokes. Yesterday was quite tensed because of what she thinks is the slapped that he received in the parking area from Fayette the other day. "Good Morning," Mosa said and handed Elizabeth a cup of coffee. "Oh, you are a God sent Angel," Elizabeth exclaimed and sipped the strong and hot coffee. Mosa chuckled, "Wow, you need that, huh?" He asked. Elizabeth nodded, "Yes, I didn't get mine since I was already late for work," she replied.

Mosa nodded and smiled, "Oh, and by the way – congratulations on getting a new apartment. I didn't know until this morning," He said. Elizabeth smiled back, "Thanks, how told you?" She asked. "Dr. Griffiths," He answered and drank from his cup of coffee. "How did you know I needed the coffee?" She asked him. He shrugged, "I didn't. I was getting one for myself and thought to get an extra just in case," He pointed towards her. Elizabeth chuckled, "Well, thank you for it." She said to him.

There was a small pause before Elizabeth looked at him, "You, Fay, and I work together every day, still, we don't bond well." Elizabeth pointed out. Mosa snickered and nodded, "Because we all the so busy with work all the time that we didn't get the time to do so," Mosa replied. Elizabeth nodded and looked around to see Fayette was not there yet, "Fayette is late today." Elizabeth stated to which Mosa looked away and only shrugged – he was ignoring her.

Once again there was silence between the two of them. "You know, I might have a housewarming – or in my case apartment warming gathering at my place this Saturday – why don't you come?" She asked him. He grinned. "Sure, that sounds great." He replied. Elizabeth nodded, "I will confirm you about it by Friday," She added. Fayette came late and went straight to work after greeting Elizabeth only. She didn't want to make it awkward for Mosa so she went to work and so did Mosa.

Ethan has been asking for a housewarming party and if she will not through it now, it will be weird. She will throw it on Saturday. She will ask Fayette and Ethan to join as well as Leo – she doesn't know if he will come, but deep down she hopes for him to come the most. She wants to see if she feels around him the same way she felt when he kissed her. She wanted to confirm whether she has a crush on him or was it just sexual tension between them. She is sure that one way or another they do feel something for each other if not romantically – or else why would he even think about their first kiss or why would he kiss her again? Because for her – it is something – there is a spark she feels now when she thinks about him. 

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