16: People Change

Start from the beginning

Elizabeth knows Leo thinks that she and her family are still the same and he is afraid they will hurt Maria again. When he didn't reply Elizabeth sighed, "You have every right to not to trust us, Leo. What happened to Maria was our mistake. I or Silas never denied anything. But, you also have to agree that we changed and we changed for good. If we only knew what our mother did – we would have never been so harsh to her or Marcus. We never thought mom would do this to us. She was everything to us and we believed her. I am sure you would have done the same if you were at our place, Leo." Elizabeth paused and stood in front of him with a cigarette still between his fingers while Leo silently looked at her, "Silas loves Maria more than you think. He will never hurt her again. I was there to see him miserable after Maria left. I was there to see him cry for her. I am not saying it just as a sister but as a woman – I assure you, your sister is with a man that considers her his whole world." She added.

Leo stayed unresponsive to her. He put the cigarette between his lips and puff out the smoke while looking away. When Elizabeth didn't get any answer from him she sighed and stepped back as she checked her phone if there was any message from Ethan but there was none. She blew her cheek out and smoked the cigarette – she wishes nothing more than Ethan to come at the moment. "I am not coming between them. Maria decided to marry him and that's her choice." He spoke after a long pause.

Elizabeth turned her head to see him bowing his head down. He sighed and finally looked up. "You don't approve of them either," She shrugged. "And you made that very clear to Silas and Maria. Leo, Maria is your sister and she wants nothing more than to have her brother's support and well wishes during such important time of her life. Your dislike for my family doesn't really make things easy for her." she added. She raised her eyebrows, "Especially when you scare Silas so much," she added. Leo immediately drew his gaze towards Elizabeth and raised his eyebrow assumingly, "Silas is scared of me?" He asked her. Elizabeth snorted, "So much – it's a wonder how he hasn't shit his pant in front of you yet." She replied causing Leo to chuckle. It was the first time Elizabeth was seeing him amused by anything she said. She narrowed her eyes, "Come on don't tell me that you don't already know how you intimidate my poor brother." She said.

Leo shrugged, "I could see how nervous he is around me but I never knew he was intimidated by me." He replied with a smirk, "I can't say it doesn't feel good to know," He added. Elizabeth rolled her eyes, "Oh come on. Don't rub it on his face – he is my brother!" She said. "That poor guy is actually afraid of you. He even asked Maria once not to let you come to her apartment when he is around," she added. Leo didn't reply but chuckled. "If he knows that I told you this – he will kill me," she added. Leo looked at her and laughed. He actually laughed. Elizabeth just looked at him – this must be the first time she saw him laughing. For the first time in her right state of mind she felt good to be around him. He was not being the intimidate Leo and she liked that. For the first time since she came to this city she felt like she was with somebody she knows – when she never really interacted with him before but still she felt good to be around him.

Leo felt good to how he scares Silas – he couldn't help but laugh at what Elizabeth just told him. Maria never told him how uncomfortable Silas was being around him. She drew a deep breath in and averted his gaze at Elizabeth to see her smiling at her – he immediately stopped laughing and cleared his throat. The way she was looking at him – he didn't like it maybe because he was feeling uneasy – why? He doesn't know nor does he want to know. He looked at his wristwatch and realized that it has been half an hour since they came here – he was about to ask if Ethan will be here soon, but he was interrupted by a car stopping several feet away from Elizabeth.

"Thank God you are here," Elizabeth expressed when Ethan stepped out of his car. "I am so sorry I completely forgot to hand Leo the keys and I was in the meeting – I could come in the middle of it, but I cut it short and came as soon as I could," He replied to her. Elizabeth smiled, "It is alright." She looked at me, "Leo was here to accompany me," She spoke. Leo sniffed and scratched his nose before shifting from one leg to another, but he didn't say anything. Ethan smiled, "Thank you so much, Leo. You were a great help to me and Miss Harrison tonight – I really own you for this." Ethan said.

Leo looked at him and smiled, "No problem," He replied to him. Ethan turned his head to Elizabeth, "Are you ready to see your new apartment?" He asked. Elizabeth's eyes glinted, "Oh God, yes!" she replied excitedly. Leo couldn't help but curl his lips into a small smile but it dropped soon when Elizabeth looked at him, "Leo, why don't you join us at my new apartment?" She asked him but he immediately declined, "No, I have to go now. Congratulations on your new place." He nodded his head and turned around to get into his car. He couldn't afford to be around her – he isn't sure what might happen.

He had his hands in his pocket and he walked towards his car while he could hear them laughing. He sighed and was about to get in his car when he heard his name being called, "Leo, wait." He halted and turned around to see Elizabeth hastily walking towards him. He knitted his eyebrows as she stood in front of him, "Thank you," She spoke. "Thank you for staying with me while Ethan came." She added. Leo nodded, "Sure – no problem," He said.

Leo was about to turn around to get in his car when she stopped him again, "Leo wait –" he looked at her as she continued, "I don't want to overthink this and for that, I have to tell you this." She paused, "I really did change," She put her hand over her chest, "And I know what I want," Leo silently waited for her to continue. "I want others to stop hating me for one mistake I made and stop judging me for something I am not." She replied with a small smile. She put her hand on his arm for a second, "Thank you for being there for me tonight – again." She smiled and turned around and walked towards where Ethan was waiting for her.

Leo wordlessly watched her get into the building with his boss while her words rang in his head. She wants him to stop hating her for how harsh she was with his sister and stop judging her for her one mistake. Leo, all of the sudden felt uneasy. All of the sudden he started questioning himself. Was he being too much? She didn't want to overthink but he is sure he will be thinking about what she said to him.

He was about to get back in the car when his phone rang. It was Mia. He took a deep breath and answered the call, "Hey," He answered. "Leo, there is something wrong with Liam! He won't stop throwing up. I think he is going into unconsciousness! Please come quick!" Mia cried. Leo's heart dropped. "Liam," he whispered. He hurriedly got into the car, "Mia, I am coming. Don't let him sleep. I am coming." He instructed her and cut off the call before he pushed the accelerator and zoomed on the road.

Justa few minutes ago Elizabeth was on his mind but now all he could think aboutwas Liam – if something happens to him – he will never be able to forgivehimself.

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