13: The First Kiss

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In the kitchen, Elizabeth was struggling to make coffee. She usually buys her coffee from somewhere and when she makes it for herself – she is usually not drunk. She feels stupid to offer Leo coffee when she herself isn't a big fan of her handmade coffee – she always finds it too bitter or sometimes too sweet. It took her longer than usual it takes to make two cups of coffee – she held the cups in her hand and slowly walked out of the kitchen since the cups were filled up to the top. "I am sorry, it took me a while –" she halted in her way as she saw Leo's head rested against the couch's header and his eyes closed. She knitted her eyebrows and softly called out his name, "Uh – Leo?" when she didn't get a response she realized that he was sleeping. Did it really take her that long that he fell asleep? She sighed and sipped from her cup and cringed at the bitterness, "Dear God," She whispered. For a second she was thankful he was asleep and he didn't try her coffee – it was dreadful.

Elizabeth wasn't sure what to do. After taking the cup full of coffee back to the kitchen – she battled what she should do next. Should she wake him up or should she just leave him here and let him sleep on the couch? The position he was in was quietly uncomfortable – there are changes he might wake up soon, so Elizabeth ended up deciding to wait for him to wake up. She went into her room and used her personal bathroom to take shower, brush her teeth and change into comfortable sweatpants and an old t-shirt. She came out with a hope that Leo would be awake by now, but she was proven wrong. He was still sleeping soundly. She is a picky sleeper – she can never sleep until she finds a comfortable position, so for her seeing his upper body resting on the small couch and his feet on the floor seemed very uncomfortable. She was feeling sleepy as well, so she decided to put a blanket over him and let him sleep on the couch.

She found extra blanket and pillow in the wardrobe in her room and took it out to Leo. She placed the pillow on the couch – just in case he tosses in his sleep and might need a pillow if he wakes up in the middle of the night. Next, she put the blanket on him – during all this time he didn't even stir in sleep. Elizabeth twisted her lips and put her finger below her nostril to find out that he was breathing just fine – she just wanted to make sure that he wasn't dead. Since she stirs a lot in her sleep – so, she has been told – she finds it weird when somebody stays so still in their sleep. She covered him with the blanket up to his neck since it was yet another cold night. As she was leaning in – her eyes fell just above his eyes – under his eyebrow – there was a deep yet a small scare which she never noticed before. Her eyes fell on the corner of his lip to find yet another scare just beside left-corner of his lip. She knew it was creepy of her to stare at his face so closely, but she still did it.

She noticed how retroussé his nose was – it somehow resembled with Maria. Even he was sleeping – he kept his jaws clenched. She wondered if his mouth hurt from all the clenching in the morning or maybe it was the secret of his well-structured jawline. She also noticed someone of the hair from his left eyebrow's tip was missing from over the scare – it looks like he had stitches below and the corner of his eyebrow. He had fairly thin lips and they were chapped – maybe he should use some balm on it. She was actually amazed – she never thought she would find Maria's brother fairly handsome. Maybe because she never looked at him in such way – he has always been Leo, Maria grumpy older brother who hates her family for obvious reasons, but at the moment – it was Leo Wayne, a fairly handsome doctor who was passed out on her couch and whom she is so creepily staring at in his sleep. Elizabeth was aware of how stupid she was being but still, she didn't straighten herself.

She is also aware of how weird it would be for him and for her – if he opens his eyes and looks stare into his face, but still, she didn't back up. She should have drunk the awfully bitter coffee she made – maybe then she would have sobered up more. She still had some alcohol messing up with her head. Her eyes fell on his lips as she sighed – his lips twitched in his sleep. She tilted her head and kept her eyes on his lips. It has been so long since she was kissed – she wonders how it will feel to have someone's lips on hers. She shook her head, no – she cannot do it. She cannot kiss somebody in his sleep. She narrowed her eyes, but maybe a tiny peck won't hurt. No! She scolded herself – it was Leo Wayne. She can never kiss Leo Wayne – she can never even think about kissing Leo Wayne. She tried to recall what he has said to her earlier that day to stop feeling so attracted towards him, but she was unable to recall it. She just had to back up and quietly walk into her room and sleep – she is not supposed to kiss him or anybody in their sleep – especially NOT LEO WAYNE! But, she did the contrast of what she was thinking – she leaned into Leo and stopped just a mere inch away from his lips. She warned herself again that this was Leo Wayne she wanted to kiss and that she was not supposed to do this, but still there was some sort of pull that she couldn't deny – probably because the alcohol was still in her system, so she did the unimaginable – she leaned in further and softly placed her lips on his.

Next thing would have killed the sober Elizabeth with embarrassment – but somehow the tipsy Elizabeth was not as bothered as she should have been. Leo opened his eyes and stared right into hers. His eyes were wide opened while Elizabeth's dropped. He didn't move under her nor did she move over him. She slowly closed her eyes and pressed her lips further while Leo was left stunned – he didn't move and wait for her to withdraw herself from him, but when he realized that she doesn't have such plans – he decided to make a move and put his hand on her waist to gently push her away.

Just when Elizabeth thought that she was being rejected by Leo and was about to pull herself up – she felt his hand lightly brushing on her waist. She took it as a sign and stretched out her knees apart and put her on each side of him – her knees dipped in the couch as her hands her on his shoulder. Leo was surprised to find Elizabeth boldly making a move like that – he never thought that they would share such moment together. He lifted his head up to look into her eyes. He could see the deep blue color of her eyes in the night light. Her pale skin glowed and he never thought that she would actually love beautiful to him. She brought her lips closer to his and he didn't move – he was surprised by himself as well. He never thought he would not push Elizabeth Harrison away – in fact, he did unexpectedly. With his hand on her waist – he pulled her closer. Maybe he was still drunk and maybe his drunken state was making her look ten times more attractive than she already is – he doesn't know. All he knows is that Elizabeth was too close to him and he wanted to kiss her back as much as she wanted it.

Leo pulled her closer and put his lips on hers and kissed her. Elizabeth didn't hold back and kissed him too with her hands wrapped around his head. Maybe it was the lack of a physical contact that was making her lose her mind. She wanted nothing more than Leo at the moment and she made sure she gets what she wants. Leo pushed her on the couch and put his head in her neck before his lips lightly teased and burned her skin with his lips. She bit her lip and arched her back as she wrapped her legs around his waist – she let out a soft moan when Leo stopped. His lips stopped moving on her skin – instead, his head was just on her neck. She knitted her eyebrows and waited for him to move, but when he didn't she realized that he passed out – again.

Elizabeth let out a shaky breath as she moved her hair off her face. Her breathing was irregular, her skin was still burning for more yet she wanted to run far – far away from Leo. Her face turned scarlet as she realized what she has done. She was lying under Leo who was asleep on her. She is more scared to think if Leo will remember what they have done the next day and if yes, how he will react. She is sure it will not be pretty. She sighed and slowly moved Leo's body off hers – she doesn't want him to wake up now – she is too ashamed to face him immediately. She pressed her lips together and slowly moved him away – luckily for her, Leo stirred in his sleep and face the other side of the couch. She blew her cheeks out and hastily got on her feet. She turned her head around to look at him one last time before she shook her head embarrassingly and put the blanket on him, which fell on the floor and quietly walked back into her room with looking back again.

As soon as Elizabeth closed the door behind her, Leo opened his eyes. He rubbed his face and cursed under his breath – he had to pretend to fall asleep before they did something they would forever regret. He was guilt-ridden for kissing her back. He groaned lowly, "God, Leo – what have you done." He mumbled to himself before sat straight and bowed his head before putting his hand on his head. He was surprised by himself – he never thought he wouldn't be able to push her away.

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