11: Like Mother, Like Daughter

Start from the beginning

Elevator arrived and we both entered it – Mosa was greeted by some people that came and went on the elevator – but when it was just him and her – there was a complete silence. He had his hands in his pocket and his eyes in his front. Elizabeth could tell that he was uncomfortable with the situation and it made her chuckle. Mosa looked at her as she chuckled again and shook her head, "Am I making you uncomfortable now?" She asked her. He scratched his neck and shook his head, "Nah – I embarrass myself. I have never given another soul a chance to embarrass me." He grinned. Elizabeth laughed and nodded her head, "That's actually better than being embarrassed by others." She replied at which he shrugged with a smile. At first, Elizabeth thought of him as some weirdo, but he doesn't seem so bad. The elevator stopped at their floor and together they walked out.

They both were quietly walking towards the lab when he halted causing her to stop as well, "I don't think Dr. Griffiths is here yet. He told us that he will introduce you to your work and to us." He said, "Well, you have already met me." He shrugged and continued, "There is just another one of us, Fayette Cohen – she must be already in the lab." He added. "So, do you want to join us now or do you want to wait in Dr. Griffith's office for him?" He asked her. Elizabeth smiled, "I think I want to join you both. Who knows how long it will take Ethan to be here," She shrugged. Mosa raised his eyebrow and Elizabeth could tell that there was something in his mind that he didn't vocalize nor she asked him to – they just met after all.

On the other hand, Leo was strolling in the small call room – he was already in the pain, but what he did was making him restless. It doesn't matter how much he dislikes her brother or how much he loathed her mother – he had no right to insult her like that. He doesn't even know her and yet he was so mean to her. Amanda, who was watching Leo troubled about something, sighed, "Will you tell me what happened or not?" She asked him. Although, she knows that it was stupid of her to even ask him that when she knows that he never speaks about himself or what trouble he is going through to anyone else – but still she tried. He looked at her and blew his cheek out, "I left my phone at Elizabeth's car," He told her and she nodded, "Alright, and?" She asked since she already knew that part. His gaze fixed on Amanda before he spoke, "Uh – I have to get it from her, but I have my shift here," He said. Amanda sighed and rolled her eyes – he was either lying or he wasn't telling everything – she knew it would useless to ask him what else happened, but she decided not to and nodded her head, "You should go and get your phone back – till then I will cover your shift here." She offered.

Leo pressed his lips together, "But, you just completed the night shift – I don't want to burden you more." He said. She waved her hand dismissively, "How long with it take – an hour?" She asked. "Less than an hour," He spoke. She smiled, "I can do that. I owe you a lot – consider this a down payment to all the favors you gave me," She winked. Although, Leo doesn't open up to anyone still Amanda was the one that he was close to. "Do you want to take my car?" she asked and he shook his head, "No, I will take a cab." He replied. He thanked her before he limped his way out of the call room – the pain was almost gone and he can take a cab to West Valley Pharma. He just doesn't to get his phone from Elizabeth, but apologies to her as well. It doesn't matter how much he doesn't like her or her family – he crossed a limit.

At the West Valley Pharma, as Elizabeth entered in the humongous lab she felt the unknown tension better Mosa and Miss Cohen. The smiling and joking Mosa soon turned silent while Fayette Cohen didn't even bother to answer him when he greeted her morning and he didn't even repeat himself. He just wore his lab coat and pointed towards Fayette, "Uh – she is Fayette Cohen," He said, but before he could introduce me to her – she looked at him and interrupted him quite rudely, "I am very much capable of introducing myself to her, Mr. Aseel." Her tone didn't sit well with Elizabeth – Mosa wasn't even being rude to her and yet she was talking to him so hotly. Mosa just nodded his head and turned around before working on something. After painful few seconds, Fayette Cohen smiled and stretched her hand out, "Hi, I am Fayette Cohen. Dr. Griffiths told us about you. It is very nice to meet you, Miss Harrison." She said.

Elizabeth glanced at Mosa, who had his back at them before curling her lips in a small smile, "It is nice to meet you as well," She answered back. "And it is very nice to meet you too, Mr. Aseel." She said to Mosa who turned his head around to look at her and smiled. "I am looking forward to working with the both of you," She said to them. Mosa smiled, "Please call me Mosa," he added. She smiled and nodded, "Sure, Mosa. And please, call me Elizabeth." She said to him before looking at Fayette as well – who just smiled and nodded her head. "Let me show you around," Fayette said after a pause of few seconds. Elizabeth glanced at Mosa who quietly went back to his work. Elizabeth didn't like how he was being cornered by her – but she couldn't do anything about it either.

Leo was able to find a cab just outside the hospital and reached at the West Valley Pharma in no time. He walked inside the building with an unsettling feeling and tried to walk through the barriers when he was stopped by security, "What is your identification, Sir?" A tall and bald guy asked him. He sighed, "I am a doctor at West Horizon Hospital, I am here to see Miss Elizabeth Harrison – can you please let me in?" He asked. The security guard folded his arms on his chest, "If you don't have an ID, you cannot walk in, Sir." He said and pointed towards the waiting hall, "All the visitors are asked to wait there – you can wait there." He added. Leo tsk and put his hands on his hipbones – he didn't have time to wait. He doesn't want to burden Amanda with extra work.

Leo was about to ask the security guard to let him in, but he was cut off by Dr. Griffiths, "Dr. Wayne, what are you doing here? And how is your leg now?" He asked as he stopped across him and gazed at his leg. Leo nodded his head, "My leg is fine now." He replied. Ethan narrowed his eyes, "Aren't you supposed to be at the hospital?" He asked as he glanced at his wrist watch, "Your shift starts in five minutes," He added. He added, "Yes, I know. I am here to fetch my cell phone from Miss Wayne – I forgot it in her car this morning while Dr. Fletcher is covering up for me." He answered him. Ethan raised his eyebrow, "Miss Fletcher?" He asked, "Hasn't she just complete her night shift?" He asked Leo. Leo nodded his head, "Yes, she did. I just need my phone and then I will be back to the hospital to complete my shift, but I am not allowed to go in without an ID." He replied. Ethan nodded, "Alright, come with me. I will show you where Miss Harrison is," He said to Leo before he told the security guard that Leo was with him and walked towards the elevator with Leo following him. Leo doesn't get nervous easily, but he was quite edgy at the moment.

"You should be careful, Dr. Wayne. You shouldn't exhaust your colleagues with your work." Ethan spoke to Leo as they both get into the elevator. Leo glanced at Ethan and cleared his throat, "I am well aware of it, Dr. Griffiths. That's why I want to get my phone back and be on my way." He replied. Ethan only nodded his head and the rest of the elevator was filled with other people's greeting to Dr. Griffiths or awkward silence. Ethan guided Leo to his office before he walked out to call Elizabeth. Leo sat on the couch while he continuously shook his leg – he was nervous if Elizabeth would want to see her or not. It would even more embarrassing for him if she refuses to see him.

After waiting for a few minutes, the door opened and to his relief, Elizabeth walked in. He looked at her and stood on his feet slowly while Elizabeth walked nearer and stretched out her hand in which she was holding his phone. He looked at the phone and slowly took it from her. Elizabeth didn't make any eye contact and turned around to walk away – she didn't have anything to say to him, but she was stopped by him, "Wait, Elizabeth." Leo stopped her. Elizabeth halted and slowly turned around – Leo could see how angry she was with him. He was struggling to talk to him, but he spoke anyway, "Uh – can I talk to you for a second?" He asked. Elizabeth stared at him with her eyes narrowed and her lips pressed in a thin line, "No," She replied and turned around to walk away again, but she was stopped by his words, "I am sorry." He said. "I crossed a line earlier and for that, I am truly sorry," he said as Elizabeth stood still with her hand on the doorknob with her back to him.

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