2: Forgiveness Is Hard To Give

Start from the beginning

Elizabeths eyes got teary as she questioned Maria, Did Silas forgive her? Maria pressed his lips together and stayed silent – Elizabeth got her answer because she feels the same as her brother and somehow it is bothering her. Maria sighed, I think he did – he is just not saying it out loud. Elizabeth nodded as she sniffed. Maria mashed her lips together and after a small pause, she said, Now, maybe you should take shower and change your clothes while I get something for you to eat – you might feel better, she said. Elizabeth nodded her head and got out of bed – she scratched her head as she walked towards the bathroom – she needs to take a shower.

After showering, changing, and drinking the coffee, and eating a bagel that Maria bought for her – she walked out of her room – already feeling much better. She greeted them and stayed quiet for most of the time. Her distant aunts stories about her mother and her growing up together were only increasing her headache – finally almost after what felt like hours she left. By evening many of their family friends and relatives showed up to offer their condolences. By the evening, the media came to know that the Harrisons were back in New York. Some paparazzi even snapped pictures of some of her fathers, Silass, and Marcuss business associates walking into the building – they couldnt get any picture of the Harrison family member since they havent left the penthouse since they returned.

Everyone was in the lounge after the relatives and friends left. The only voice that could be heard was Kathies who was playing with Bear – Silass chowchow dog. Silass housekeeper served tea to all of us before she went back to the kitchen. Owen sipped from his cup before he turned to look at Maria, Maria, Franklin called – I didnt know he was in New York. He told her. Maria smiled and nodded, Yes, Papa and Leo are in the town for a few days. It is Papa who will stay for three to four more days while Leo will return tomorrow. They wanted to come to offer their condolences, but I asked them to come later – I could see how exhausted you all are. She said that while glancing towards Elizabeth. Elizabeth felt bad for being so sour about the people who were coming to pay respect to her mother – she didnt mean to make Maria feel uncomfortable.

Owen put his empty cup of tea on the coffee table and smiled, Please asked them to join us for dinner tonight. Honestly, I could use some company. He said to her. Silas nodded his head as his hand was circled Maria, I told her the same, but she was hesitating. He spoke. Elizabeth gulped and offered Maria a genuine smile – she didnt want her to feel uncomfortable around her, I think dads right, it has been long since I last met Mr. Wayne – I would love to meet him as well. Elizabeth spoke. Maria after a couple of minutes of hesitation agreed and called her father too asked him to come to Silass penthouse for dinner. She still had the headache, therefore, Elizabeth, excused herself to her room and decided to rest her eyes for a while before Marias father shows up.

Maria asked me to stay for longer. Franklin, Leos father told him as they drove to Silass penthouse in a cab. Leo sighed and kept looking out of the car, I never forced you to come back with me, Leo said without looking at his father – his eyes keep up with moving traffic on the road. Franklin just breaths out and decided to let go. Leo glanced towards his father to see him silently looking out of the window – he pressed his lips together before he said, I think you should stay with Maria for a while – I know you get bored without her in Chicago. Leo spoke what he felt. His father has never been more comfortable with him like he is with Maria and Leo doesnt blame his father for feeling more affectionate towards his daughter. After all, she was the one that stayed behind and looked after him while Leo unexpectedly joined the army and went to Afghanistan and didnt return for years. Franklin turned his head to look at his son, I never get bored with you, Leo. I just miss her thats it. You and she are equally important to me and I would do anything to live like before – with you and Maria. He said to his son who chuckled and nodded, I get that, dad. I wish I could stay longer, but I have work and I cant take off for a longer period. Leo told him. Franklin nodded and patted at his sons shoulder, I get that – doctors duty. He chuckled. Leo smiled and nodded his head.

Their cab stopped in front of Silass building. Leo flinched as he was blinded by the flash – he looked out of the window to see some paparazzi snapping pictures of the building and around while the security tries to push them back. Franklin shook his head, Oh, these people dont know how to respect someones privacy – especially when there has been a death. He said. Leo sighed and nodded his head, he hates too much attention. He wasnt willing to come along with his father, but he ended up deciding to join as he knows how much it would mean to Maria and his father and also – he was just here to pay respect to the deceased – no matter how much he hated her. Lets go, His father said and got off the cab. Leo followed him out and paid the cab before they walked in the building and then to Silass penthouse before verifying themselves.

Elizabeth woke up by the sound of Bears barking. She sighed and looked at her phone to see – she has been sleeping for almost an hour. She sighed and got out of bed before walking in the bathroom to freshen up. After washing her face and brushing her teeth she comes out of the bathroom to hear that Bear was still barking – although he doesnt bark this often – maybe because he is with Kathie. She tied her hair in a ponytail and decided to walk out of her room. She opened the door for her to halt. She knitted her eyebrows when she saw that Bear and Kathie were running around – Marias brother, Leo.

Leo could feel that his presence was making Silas and Marcus both uncomfortable. Mr. Harrison was trying to be a good host, but Leo time to time scowl was making him uneasy as well. Whenever Leo sees Silas or his family – especially his sister and his parents – Marias distress comes to his mind. He cant help but recall how brutal Silas was to her – no matter who was the real culprit; he cant forgive Silas for what he did to his sister. Leo is well aware that his sister has forgiven Silas and is going to marry him soon – Leo still can settle his feeling about it. He is afraid that they going to hurt her again and if they ever tried to mortify her again – he will not stop hurting them back. Leo hasnt offered his condolences to the family yet – honestly, he felt refractory. He wasnt sure how to do it – he has never been much interactive. He hated Ruby and he accepts that for some time he didnt feel sorry for her or the family. The fire inside him has burned down the empathy within. But later he realized that he cant execrate against the person who is no longer in this world. He will always remember what she did to his sister, but if Maria herself forgive that woman then who is he to show his hate for her. Leo cleared his throat and shifted on the couch before turning his head to Marcus, Can I use the washroom? He asked him. Marcus nodded and glanced at his brother who was silent before gave the direction. Leo nodded and thanked him before walking towards where Marcus directed him. He was walking when he heard a loud shriek following multiple barks. He turned around to see a young girl – not more than five running towards her and following her was a big chow-chow dog. He knitted his eyebrows when all of a sudden the girl held his leg and started to run around him, Bear, you cant get me! She laughed and ran – completely unaware of Leos presence. The dog ran after her and as well ended up running around him. Leo recognized the girl as Marcuss daughter – he tried to talk to the girl and tried to step away, but he was stuck between a child and a dog. Uh – hey, kid – um – listen – maybe you could – Bears bark interrupted him, Dont move he is going to get me. The little girl laughed as she ran around him. Leo hesitated, Uh – okay. He mumbled. The door at his left opened – he turned his head around to see that it was Silass sister. She halted in her way as she bewilderedly watches her niece and brothers dog running around Marias brother. What is happening? She asked. Kathie looked at his aunt and giggled, Bear and I are playing. She replied – short on breath. Elizabeth sighed and glanced at Leo, who looked extremely uncomfortable. Go and play somewhere else, Kathie. Kathie ran around Leo for a few seconds more before she ran towards the lounge and so did bear. Leo watched the girl running away before turning towards Elizabeth, Thanks, He mumbled ungainly. She nodded her head with her lips curled into a small smile before both of them walked towards opposite directions.

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