He walked to his car and tried calling Blake but it went straight to her voicemail.


"What's wrong Jace?" his mom asked him at dinner.

"Nothing" he grumbled.

"Blake's ignoring him" Collin intervened.

"She's not ignoring me you little shit."

"Language at the table Jace" his dad warned.

He grumbled again and picked at his chicken.

"Is Blake really ignoring you?" Avery asked before their mom could.

"I don't think so."

"What do you mean you don't think so?" Gracie asked

He groaned and rubbed his eyes.

"After she got into a fight at school-"

"She got into a fight at school?!"

"Can you guys let me finish?" Jace grumbled loudly.

They all sat silent as Michelle didn't bother listening. She just wanted to get back to her barbies.

"After she got into a fight, she went to the principals office and that was the last time I saw her. Her phone is off because my texts aren't going through and my calls are going straight to voicemail."

"Maybe she's grounded" Gracie said.

They all nodded in agreement besides Collin.

"Or she blocked you."

Jace smacked him and finished the rest of his dinner.

"I'm going to Tony's."

"Yeah okay."

He punched Collin hard on his bicep and grabbed his keys from the basket in the kitchen and left quickly.

He saw that Susie's car wasn't in the driveway but London's and Blake's were as he knocked on the door.

A tired looking Blake answered the door and she yawned loudly.

"Why are you here?"

"You didn't answer any of my calls or texts" he mumbled.

"I'm grounded my mom took my phone."

She let Jace in and he gave her a hug.

"What's your punishment for school?"

"Three days of oss and a week of detention."

"If it makes you feel any better. Taylor got four days of oss and a week in a half of detention."

Blake gave a little smile into Jace's chest.

"It does, crazy bitch hit me for no reason."

Jace gave her head a kiss and she led them up to her room.

"I've been sitting in the dark not being able to sleep for the past two hours."

"I'm sorry baby."

"It's whatever, it felt good beating her even if someone stopped me."

He flashed her a smile and she jumped on her bed.

"No tv I'm guessing?"

"She took the remote."

Jace smirked.

"I have something else we can do."

Blake laughed and went to lean in but stopped.

"You breath smells like chicken and corn."

His face turned red and she laughed loudly at him, snorting loudly too.

"There should be a package of toothbrushes in my bathroom. You can get one."

He smiled at her and quickly went in to brush his teeth and tongue.

When he finished, he jumped back on her bed and he pulled her on top of him.

"You're too eager."

He only smiled at her before they began to kiss.

The two teens kissed for a while before they heard the front door close.

"My moms home" she grumbled.

She got up and locked the door and ignored her mom calling her name from downstairs.

"Are you able to stay tonight?" she asked him.

"I can't."

He saw a look of disappointment flash across her eyes before she masked it up and shrugged.

"That's okay. When my mom goes to her room you can leave then."

"I'll run home and get some stuff so I can stay."

"No that's okay. It's a school night anyways."

"Are you sure?"

She nodded and they hugged for a while before Blake snuck him out.

"I have work tomorrow, but I'll be over to bring you your missed work."


Blake shivered as Jace got in the drivers seat. He pulled her in for yet another hug and rested his hands gently on her ass.

"I'll miss you."

"Don't be so cheesy John" she snorted.

His eyes sparkled seeing her eyes crinkle whenever she let out a true laugh.

"Let me have my moment baby" he said seductively.

She looked up at him as they kissed goodnight.

"Bye love."

"Later skater."

Blake rushed inside before her mom saw her and threw herself on her bed.

She got close to Jace really quickly, she's never acted like this with a boy especially her first boyfriend.

Jace was just so sweet to her, treating her how a boy was supposed to. At least that's what her dad would always say. He would always say how she should be treated and well, Jace hits every point.

Blake knew her dad would have loved Jace and she was sad they never got to meet.

She was also scared on how fast her feelings were forming with Jace. It went from a crush to thinking about him all the time and as much as she wanted to be with him all the time, she knew that if she started doing that it wouldn't be good when they have to be apart for long. She knew that if they were to last after high school they would have to do long distance. She would be traveling and he would be in one college for football.

She didn't know if they were going to last after high school though. She didn't know if they would work out or not.

That part scared her.
Happy New Year! 1-1-21

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